[Capture News] Cruelly killed 21 abandoned graves after sale..."I failed to invest and got stressed out".

2024.09.04 오후 03:29
A man adopted as many as 20 cats.Was it because you loved cats

? It was the opposite.It was to kill the


Mr. A, a man in his 20s living in Ulsan.

From May to August last year, 21 stray cats will be sold free of charge at an Internet cafe related to abandoned cats.
Unfortunately, all of these cats are killed.

Mr. A killed the cat by using cruel and various methods, such as strangling him, biting his head, and lighting his legs,
It is reported that the dead cat was dumped in a pay-as-you-go bag or thrown on the side of the highway.

Why on earth did they do this?

It turns out that he committed this crime to relieve stress when he lost money from real estate gap investment.

The Ulsan District Prosecutors' Office, which indicted A without detention, said, "We will strictly respond to animal cruelty crimes that belittle lives."

May you be punished appropriately for the cruelty that has targeted innocent lives.

Caption News: Ko Hyun-joo (∀)
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