The Minister's Absence Asking Government Questions 'Delays'...One voice participating in the medical conversation.

2024.09.10 오후 03:36
The second day of the interpellation session has been postponed from 2 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Opposition parties protest against the absence of defense and foreign ministers..."Ignore the National Assembly"
Rebutting the ruling party's "absence of ministers, issues approved by the National Assembly speaker"
Today is the day when government questions in the fields of foreign affairs, unification and security are held, and opposition parties are strongly opposed to the announcement of the absence of key ministers, and it is expected to start only in the evening.

In the National Assembly, there was a voice that the medical community, regardless of the ruling and opposition parties, should participate in the "Council between the ruling and opposition parties."

I'm connecting you with a reporter from the National Assembly. Reporter Kang Min-kyung!

Today is the second day of interpellation questions, and the topic is in the fields of diplomacy, unification, and security.

It was supposed to be held at 2 p.m., but the time was delayed?

Yes, the floor leaders of the ruling and opposition parties have agreed to delay the plenary session by five hours, so the interpellation session will be held at 7 p.m.

Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun and Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yeol notified them that they would not attend the interpellation session due to their participation in the international conference, and the opposition party strongly protested.

In particular, floor leader Park Chan-dae raised his voice that the members of the State Council are openly ignoring the National Assembly following President Park Yoon Suk Yeol.

Let's listen to it together.

[Park Chan-dae / Floor Leader of the Democratic Party of Korea: Questions about the government have been scheduled for a long time...Suddenly announcing the absence of the international conference is a little... I don't think the National Assembly feels respected.]

The People's Power countered that the absence of ministers was approved by the Speaker of the National Assembly.The Democratic Party agreed to the absence of the Minister

', he said, revealing related documents, and we will listen to them together.

[Choo Kyung-ho / People's Power Floor Leader: He will not attend after obtaining approval from the negotiating groups of both parties. And usually, if the minister cannot attend, the vice minister will attend on behalf of him. Today, the Ministry of National Defense and the Minister of Foreign Affairs went through such a procedure....]

However, as the opposition party did not bend its position, the time for the interpellation session was eventually delayed.Minister

and Minister Kim are also expected to attend the plenary session after completing their respective schedules and receive inquiries from lawmakers from both ruling and opposition parties.

Many predict that the so-called "historical controversy" triggered by the appointment of Kim Hyung-seok, the director of the Independence Hall of Korea, will become an issue.

In addition, the opposition party is likely to criticize the recovery of Korea-Japan relations, which the Yoon Suk Yeol government has emphasized, as close to "survival diplomacy," citing the discharge of Fukushima contaminated water.

In response, the power of the people is expected to highlight that the Yoon Suk Yeol government has broadened its diplomatic horizon and that Korea-Japan relations have also recovered to normal levels.

It is also expected to contrast North Korea's successive provocations with the South Korean government's hard-line policy toward North Korea and emphasize the need for "strengthening national defense" with the government.

Let's also look at the situation of the ruling and opposition parties' parliamentary consultative body to resolve the legislative conflict.

There is no disagreement that a consultative body is needed, but there is still a gap between the ruling and opposition parties over how to attract participation in the medical community.

Please explain the situation in detail.

Yes, the ruling party, which is in step with the government, has no choice but to focus on the medical community's "return to dialogue without conditions."

Floor leader Choo Kyung-ho urged the medical community to participate in the parliamentary consultative body between the ruling and opposition parties in the morning meeting, stressing that the government and the ruling party have room to discuss the issue of increasing medical schools in 2026.

CEO Han Dong-hoon also emphasized that the first thing to do is to launch a consultative body quickly without any conditions, so we will listen to it first.

[Han Dong-hoon / Representative of the People's Power: We cannot prevent the launch of the project by imposing certain preconditions. I say that both the ruling and opposition parties should launch this consultative body quickly without conditions.

The Democratic Party of Korea also urges the medical community to participate, but the government's attitude should change first.

Park Joo-min, chairman of the Special Committee on Medical Disruption of the Party, pointed out in a phone call with YTN that if the medical community wants to participate, their needs should also be discussed.

Even if we don't promise to abolish the increase in medical schools next year, we have room to discuss this in order to open the door for dialogue, and we set the day that we don't understand the government being hard.

Let's also listen to the remarks from the morning meeting.

[Ahn Tae-joon / Minjoo Party member: To close the protracted legislative conflict, we must first open the door for dialogue. The start would be a sincere apology from the President for causing the medical crisis.]

To sum up, the ruling party, which calls for unconditional participation in the medical community, and the opposition party's position that the change in the government's attitude comes first is subtly different.

Apart from this, it is understood that the two parties continue to be in private contact with the medical community, so attention is being paid to whether the discussion will proceed or not.

So far, I've delivered it to you by the National Assembly.

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