[News fighting] Seong Il-jong said, "If you put biochemical weapons in the North's filth balloon, it will strike the origin."

2024.09.11 오전 09:18
[YTN Radio News Fighting Bae Seunghee]
□ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (07:15 - 09:00)
□ Broadcast date and time: September 11, 2024 (Wednesday)
□ Host: Attorney Bae Seung-hee
□ Cast: Sung Il-jong, member of the People's Power,

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

[YTN Radio <News Fighting, Bae Seunghee]> Please reveal that it's about the interview.

◆ Attorney Bae Seung-hee (hereinafter referred to as Bae Seung-hee): A question about the government in the field of foreign affairs, unification and security was held at the National Assembly on the 10th. The ruling and opposition parties fought over the theory of preparation for diplomacy with Japan and martial law. In this regard, let's connect Sung Il-jong, chairman of the National Assembly's National Defense Committee, and hear from him. Are you here?

◇Sung Il-jong, Member of the People's Power (hereinafter referred to as Sung Il-jong): Yes, hello. This is Senator Sung Il-jong.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I think you asked me until late last night, is that okay?

◇Sung Il-jong: Yes, it's okay.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yesterday, the foreign minister and the defense minister engaged in a non-attendance battle at a government question. Park Chan-dae, the floor leader of the Democratic Party, pointed out that this was not the case during the Yushin dictatorship and Chun Doo-hwan dictatorship, but it turned out that the Democratic Party gave permission in advance. How did you like it?

◇Sung Il-jong: That's ridiculous. CEO Park Chan-dae signed it. So on September 3rd and September 9th, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Minister of Defense had other diplomatic events instead. "REAIM" held high-level meetings in 96 countries, including Vice Minister Zhang, on the responsible military use of AI and artificial intelligence in the future. So this is an international event co-organized by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Defense. So I can't come out because there's an event like this. Understanding, two of Park Chan-dae's seal were stamped on the memorandum of understanding on the 3rd and 9th. That's why it didn't come out, but it's called parliamentary extinction, and it wasn't like that when Chun Doo-hwan was like that, but you'll know it so well. I think lawmakers inside the Democratic Party said this because they complained about why there is no minister and a vice minister, but big events in the country are done for the country. You're doing this for the people. These parts were all understood before. So former Minister Kang Kyung-hwa also did not appear in the government question in 2019. At that time, I accompanied the president and went abroad. That's why I tolerated all of this because I was having a dinner with Koreans who entered international organizations. It's not just one or two cases. So, these things are always understood by the National Assembly, and the vice minister is supposed to come out and answer them, but the minister and the vice minister can take turns with each other, and the minister must come out like that. He's also a sample of old politics.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You said it was old politics, but the Democratic Party of Korea did not agree to not attend the National Assembly just because it was stamped. Therefore, the problem is that the minister who ignores the National Assembly is not present, rather than the presence or absence of a seal. How do you see it?

◇Sung Il-jong: What would the people say? I got married and stamped my marriage registration stamp, but I stamped it, but I didn't get married?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: No, the party's working-level official said that he might have accidentally stamped his seal.

◇Sung Il-jong: If the floor leader does not approve such a proxy attendance by a party practitioner, the practitioner cannot take pictures. I think Park Chan-dae is passing it over because he's in trouble, but he's a huge opposition party. It's a huge opposition party that controls all the National Assembly. If the head of the opposition party said this, he could have simply said sorry, but it would have been more convenient if the lawmakers asked him to understand because he said this, but the lame excuse makes the people more annoyed.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Maybe that's why the Democratic Party of Korea came up with this martial law preparation again yesterday. The Democratic Party of Korea continues to talk about martial law based on the fact that President Yoon's alumni of Chungam High School took important positions in the military, centering on Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun. Why do you think the opposition party is making this argument?

◇Sung Il-jong: There are about 400 generals in the military. Among them, four are from Chungam High School. During the DJ regime, there were more than five or four people. During the DJ presidency, the Defense Minister and the Defense Security Command were all at one school in Gwangju. The head of the bodyguard was from Gwangju. All of them were from the army. Then, did you appoint him like this to do martial law? It's impossible for me to do that. I keep talking about martial law, but I'm very suspicious of my intentions. Why would you bring this out? I think CEO Lee Jae-myung knows exactly what the sentence will be in October. He'll come out with a candle in preparation for this prison sentence and try to unite all of his camps. That's why I think it's a signal to ask you to come out to the streets, but there are four of the many generals in Chungam High School, and I think it's a very sample of fake news that can't happen to incite the people now because it's evidence. Fake news martial law is a cessation of constitution. And according to Article 77 of the Constitution, martial law can be lifted with the approval of a majority of the members of the National Assembly. There are 192 people now. The opposition party of the Democratic Party of Korea is like that, but can this be done? Also, even if you look at the Constitutional Amendment Act, you can't arrest lawmakers carelessly. Except for a red-handed criminal. Except for those who commit bad crimes such as murder or robbery, lawmakers cannot arrest them unless they are under current law. Isn't there any lawyer-turned-prosecutor in the Democratic Party? Knowing all of this, it is not helpful for the state to instigate politics with such nonsense as martial law.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: By the way. The Democratic Party. The National Assembly is even revising the martial law, which increases the authority to demand the lifting of martial law. I think he's taking these measures because he thinks the martial law preparation theory is feasible. As you said, this is incitement, but the Democratic Party is actually revising the law. How do you think about this?

◇Sung Il-jong: It's an exit strategy. How embarrassing would I have said this? You can't arrest him unless it's under the current law. But why do you do that? Are you saying that we should release all the current crimes that are very socially unforgivable when lawmakers commit them? There were no defects in the current law, so why didn't you do this to the Moon Jae In administration, the Roh Moo Hyun administration, or the Kim Dae Jung administration? You could have done it all at that time. Now that there can't be, I feel logically afraid of what the people judge, and I think I'm probably looking for an exit strategy.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. Yesterday, Rep. Jang Kyung-tae of the Democratic Party of Korea, President Yoon and his wife, and Defense Minister Kim Yong-hyun were in August last month. On the 24th, he raised suspicions that he used a military golf course. In the past, Rep. Jang Kyung-tae had raised suspicions that were not well-founded, such as the suspicion of drinking in Cheongdam-dong and the use of Kim Gun-hee's lighting. How did you hear this military golf course?

◇Sung Il-jong: I don't know where and how you heard it, but lawmakers should not be the head of a fake news factory if they don't check it as they hear it and just deceive the people. Can a lawmaker become the head of a fake news factory? If you received such a report, you should request the data and meet the six-and-sixth principle of what's really there. I don't think I should be the head of a fake news factory, even though I say I'm immune to something ridiculous.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: It was fake news. You're saying that the report has not been confirmed.

◇Sung Il-jong: It's more than once, isn't it? If you look at it before, there are so many cases of Coporal Chae, including reporting. Don't you think we shouldn't deceive the people by doing everything like this? There can be no drinking in Cheongdam-dong, but it means that 20-30% of the people believe that they had a drinking party in Cheongdam-dong. That's how many people really believe in the news because once it's released, they don't listen to the next news. So if you're in a responsible position, make sure to check it out when you talk about this, and you shouldn't say it's an allegation that you shouldn't just announce it.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: You're saying you can't just scream and watch. The Democratic Party of Korea launched an offensive over the controversy over the appointment of New Right members of the Yoon Suk Yeol government, the remarks of Deputy Minister Kim Tae-hyo, and that what matters is Japan's heart. In this regard, Rep. Yoon Sang-hyun evaluated that Korea-Japan relations were restored by President Yoon's decision. What if you could tell us your position on diplomacy with Japan?

◇Sung Il-jong: It's called humiliation diplomacy. What's humiliating diplomacy? Now, the 1,500-year-old frosty relationship in Korea-Japan relations in 1998 after President Kim Dae Jung won the Obuchi prize cannot cover it with about 50 years of history. He declared for the future, saying that he could not continue his unhappy history. When lawmakers meet the Korea-Japan Congressional Federation, the Kim Dae Jung Obuchi Declaration becomes a textbook. Going into the future, there is a very humiliating diplomacy, but to tell you the representative example, President Moon Jae In visited China. You ate 9 meals alone. Our journalist, who was accompanying us, was hit by Chinese police and his cheekbones were recessed in his face. It's an improbable diplomatic disaster. You said that China is a big bongu and we are a small peak, so we are with the Chinese dream. It's a very representative humiliation diplomacy. Did this happen to President Yoon Suk Yeol? Look back on themselves first and so is Japanese relations. We have to say everything we have to say. Who doesn't feel uncomfortable about this feeling about Japan's forced annexation of the old days that our people have in their hearts? Don't forget. However, since we are now going into the future and we are together in various value-oriented aspects that aim for liberal democracy, don't we not forget about these inconveniences to go into the future? We have to look at that, but the Democratic Party of Korea can't political without pro-Japanese diplomacy, but I hope you can look back on the political achievements that President Kim Dae Jung set a good precedent for.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: In this regard, he insisted that Dokdo Day should be a national anniversary again, but Prime Minister Han replied, "This is an inferior diplomacy that makes Dokdo look like a disputed region." What do you think?

◇Sung Il-jong: Prime Minister Han is right, we shouldn't keep making it a dispute now. When I saw a lot of things, so when it comes to that, why do we keep revealing problems when we're effectively controlling it and it's our land? I think Prime Minister Han is right.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes, I see. North Korea keeps sending filth balloons. Unification Minister Kim Young-ho said, "It's a low-intensity provocation." There was an allegation that an object that appeared to be a detonator of a filth balloon was found, so there was actually a fire, so how do you see it? As for the filth balloon.

◇Sung Il-jong: I think there are a number of leaflets from our private organization that are sent to North Korea, and I think it's a reaction to that. But the government cannot artificially control what our private organizations send. As a result, North Korea sent it as a corresponding measure, and if you look here, it shows the level of North Korea well. The heating timer heats up and rips the vinyl in the air. But it's so crude that the heating timer doesn't heat up and doesn't work. So this kind of accident indicates the level of North Korea. The military is also studying and thinking a lot about this from various angles. It's unexpectedly simple, and it's difficult because it doesn't get caught by radar at night, but anyway, the military will take various measures in the future, so please keep an eye on it.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. Now, the Minister of Unification said it was a low-intensity provocation, but if North Korea actually injects biochemical weapons into balloons, wouldn't the damage be unimaginable? So there are people who are a little concerned about that. How do you see it?

◇Sung Il-Jong: We now know where and when we're supporting it with our surveillance assets. However, if there is a biochemical weapon or such a serious problem, all the signs can be detected in advance. So, if these things are really harmful to our people, the Ministry of National Defense has already announced that it will punish them by striking them to the ground. The people believe in that. If you put biochemical weapons in it, it means declaring war. So I would like to tell you that the military is working on all countermeasures against him.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: I see. I see. I'll ask you about political issues this time. The opposition party must deal with the independent counsel law, including allegations of Kim Gun-hee's involvement in the nomination of Kim for the general election, which was reported this time. This is the position. How are you going to respond to the power of the people?

◇Sung Il-jong: Didn't the opposition always bite Kim Geon-hee? What evidence do you have that he interfered in the general election? It is anonymous to say that they intervened in the general election. And former lawmaker Kim Young-sun, who was the main character at the time, denied that it didn't happen and didn't actually get a nomination. Is this the reason for the special counsel? The reason for the special prosecutor's investigation is stock price manipulation, but didn't you shake off the stock price manipulation Democratic Party for two years from the Moon Jae In administration? Isn't the main character of that time Lee Sung-yoon now a Democratic Party lawmaker? While talking about luxury bags, it came out that the committee of the system created by the Democratic Party of Korea should not prosecute. Pastor Choi Jae-young is a person who is no different from an operative. How can a pastor do this? You just mentioned election interference, but it's a political offensive that can't be done. Now, how much did you really blasphemy Kim Gun-hee before? The Democratic Party of Korea, which emphasizes human rights and freedom, is now a woman and has precious human dignity. Should I attack that part like this?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Yes. I've heard some of the people's positions, but apart from this, isn't there a voice from within the ruling camp that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee should apologize? What do you think? Should I apologize?

◇Sung Il-jong: I apologized last July as well. I'm sorry to have caused trouble to the people. She apologized like this. If you ask me to apologize again with interference in the general election that doesn't even exist now, I would apologize only if there was something to apologize for, but that's really true. This can't happen.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Let me ask you something else. The Democratic Party of Korea has launched a full-fledged response to the investigation targeting former President Moon Jae In by forming a party-level countermeasure committee. It's the second paddy field clock incident. There was a reaction that said it was a disgrace and insult. How do you see it?

◇Sung Il-jong: I said I created a countermeasure committee against this. What can I do to make that measure? First Lady Kim Jung-sook has various things like government service, Chanel jacket issues, employment of Eastar Jet's son-in-law, and Taj Mahal tourism. If you explain those things logically well and provide evidence, won't the problem be solved in this area? Why do you create a task force for that? Creating a task force in itself acknowledges this. That's why you're creating another organization that you're trying to drag on to political issues. I don't think there can be.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Should we be investigated by the prosecution?

◇Sung Il-jong: Yes. Please accept it proudly. Next, former floor leader Park Kwang-on was in 2017. When investigating former President Park Geun Hye on March 21, what he said was that former President Park Geun Hye stood in front of the truth verification table. Former President Park said that we should no longer disappoint the people. Former President Park said that it is the least courtesy to the people to reveal all the truth and ask for forgiveness. And when it comes to the prosecution, all citizens are equal before the law. The Democratic Party of Korea floor leader said at the time that the prosecution should reveal the truth without any suspicions. I want to return this story as it is now. This is the Democratic Party's position. But why is it political oppression now? Would political oppression be seen by the people as political oppression?

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Okay. Anyway, you're saying you need to investigate. That's all for today's interview.

◇Sung Il-jong: Yes, thank you.

◆ Bae Seung-hee: Until now, I was Sung Il-jong, a member of the People's Power. Thank you.

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