"Next year's medical school quota." The ruling party's argument...Tomorrow's plenary session, "Jeonwoon."

2024.09.11 오후 01:48
Han Dong-hoon, the representative of the People's Power, is making all-out efforts to achieve the "Council between the ruling and opposition parties," leaving room for discussion on the number of medical schools next year, but some of the mood within the party is also felt.

Tensions are rising in the National Assembly ahead of tomorrow's plenary session, whether the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, which is pushed by the opposition party, will be raised.

Let me connect you to the National Assembly. Reporter Lee Junyeop!

Please tell us the political atmosphere surrounding the legislative conflict in detail.

Han Dong-hoon, the leader of the People's Power Party, said yesterday that next year's medical school quota issue can also be discussed at the ruling and opposition parties' council, which is causing a strange stir in the political circle.

From the perspective of the existing government and the ruling party, it seems that next year's quota cannot be changed realistically and 2026 can be discussed from the origin, and it is actively mediating with the medical community.

In a radio interview, Jang Dong-hyuk, a member of the Supreme Council who is pro-limit, explained that it is not easy to adjust the quota for next year, but rather than putting each other's preconditions, the intention is to come into the consultative body and start discussions.

[Jang Dong-hyuk / Senior Member of the People's Power (BBS Radio 'Ham In-kyung's Morning Journal'): Let's sit at the table first. Without any conditions, without any restrictions. That way, it becomes a healthy, healthy conversation. And they say that the problem is solved only when the conversation starts.

However, there are concerns within the party that next year's quota re-discussion is impossible, and even for medical participation, it could be a 'public check'.

A party official said in a phone call with YTN that there are differences within the party over how to attract the medical community, and pointed out that the message with the quota for next year is mixed and doctors seem confused.

The Democratic Party, which has argued that next year's quota should also be able to be discussed, also points out the discrepancy in the message between the party and the government, and Han is pressuring them to get a definite answer from Yongsan first.

Kim Min-seok, a senior member of the Supreme Council, pointed out that although representative Han Dong-hoon accepted the Democratic Party's position at the Supreme Council, President Han Yoon Suk Yeol virtually ignored the position.

[Kim Min-seok / Senior Minjoo Party member: Han Dong-hoon's speech politics, which is avoided with words, should not be repeated in the medical crisis like the independent counsel Chae and the investigation of Kim Gun-hee]

The Democratic Party of Korea evaluated the government's announced medical measures for the Chuseok holiday as "empty Kang Jeong" and demanded that President Yoon apologize first for the medical crisis.

Tomorrow's plenary session is interested in whether the bills promoted by the opposition party will be on the agenda, right?

Yes, the Democratic Party of Korea is considering whether to put three things at the plenary session: the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act, the Chae Sang-byung Special Prosecutor Act, and the Local Currency Act.

A Democratic party official said in a call with YTN that it is considering whether to raise one or two of the two independent counsel laws.

[Ko Min-jung / Representative of the Democratic Party of Korea (SBS Radio 'Kim Tae-hyun's Political Show') : It seems that the public is more concerned about the fact that Kim Gun-hee's luxury bag is a gift. That's why we also have concerns.]

On the other hand, the power of the people is strongly opposed to all three bills, so the possibility of unlimited debate and filibuster response is being discussed depending on whether or not the plenary session is proposed.

In a YTN radio interview, Sung Il-jong criticized the interference in the general election, the alleged manipulation of stock prices, and the receipt of luxury bags, all of which were discussed in the Special Prosecutor Kim Act, as outrageous political attacks.

[Sung Il-jong / Member for the People's Power (YTN Radio 'News Fighting Bae Seung-hee'): Mrs. Kim Gun-hee is also a woman with precious human dignity. Should I attack that part like this?]

The National Assembly Legislation and Judiciary Committee, which has been holding a plenary session since this morning, passed all three bills led by the opposition.

The ruling party strongly opposed the opposition's unilateral proceedings and submitted a request to postpone the conclusion and hold a public hearing, but the opposition party, which held the key to passing the bill, refused to accept it.

Please also tell us the situation of the government question entering the third day.

In a while, Prime Minister Han Deok-soo and Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs Choi Sang-mok will be asked to ask the government in the economic field.

People's Power lawmakers are expected to highlight the financial issues of the so-called "250,000 won support law" pushed by the opposition party, and the expected effects of the "Great Whale" project to develop oil and gas fields in the East Sea.

It is also expected to emphasize people's livelihoods, calling on the government to cut interest rates, stabilize housing prices, and support small business owners.

On the other hand, opposition lawmakers are expected to highlight the government's responsibility in the economic crisis, pointing out the government's fiscal soundness and the seriousness of household debt.

It also plans to ask questions about various suspicions raised during the Czech nuclear power plant order or the process of the Great Whale project.

So far, I've delivered it to you by the National Assembly.

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