[Weather] September's "Heat Warning" in Seoul...The 'Autumn Heat Wave' will slow down with rain tomorrow.

2024.09.11 오후 03:15
The autumn heat wave reached its peak today.

In the middle of the day, the temperature in Seoul rose to 34.6 degrees. Compared to the average temperature of 27 degrees Celsius at this time of year, it is almost 8 degrees higher.

Fortunately, the severe heat will be dampened by rain across the country tomorrow.

Currently, a "heat wave warning" has been issued in most parts of the country, and Seoul has been issued a "heat wave warning" in September for the first time in its history.

The temperature will drop slightly tonight, and the heat wave warning will be eased or lifted.

Tomorrow, tropical nights will continue around the southern coast and west, but daytime temperatures will be 3-5 degrees lower than today.

Tomorrow, 30 degrees in Seoul, 32 degrees in Gwangju, and 31 degrees in Daegu are expected.

With cloudy or cloudy weather all over the country at present, rain and showers will fall everywhere until night.

Currently, a "heavy rain warning" has been issued in the mountains of Jeju and some coasts of Jeollanam-do.

Rain will begin in earnest in the central part of the country from dawn tomorrow, and the rain will expand across the country in the afternoon.

More than 100mm of rain is expected in the mountains of Jeju by tomorrow morning, 20-60mm in the central part by the day after tomorrow, and up to 40mm in the south.

The rain will subside from the southern part of the country tomorrow afternoon.

However, the day after tomorrow, it will rain in Seoul, northern Gyeonggi Province, and northern Yeongseo, and showers will pass in the south and Jeju Island.

Meanwhile, with the 13th typhoon 'Burbinka' occurring in waters southwest of Guam last night,
typhoon will move northward to near Shanghai, China early next week.

As the large amount of water vapor left by the typhoon is likely to affect the Korean Peninsula, you should check the latest weather information.

In areas with rain or showers today, there will be thunder and lightning.

In particular, strong showers of up to 50mm per hour can fall south of Chungcheong, so you should pay attention to safety.

I'm YTN's Lee Hyemin.

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