Breaking News This year's tax revenue deficit is 30 trillion won...For the second year in a row, the all-time flat.

2024.09.26 오전 10:32
This year's tax revenue deficit is close to 30 trillion won.

According to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance, the re-estimation of national tax revenues is expected to fall 29.6 trillion won short of the budget this year.

Following last year's tax slump of 56.4 trillion won, a large tax deficit has become a reality for the second year.

Considering that it was a large excess tax in 2021 and 2022, tax errors have been repeated for four consecutive years.

The tax revenue error over the past four years has reached 200 trillion won.

The tax revenue error rate this year was 8.1 percent and last year was 14.1 percent, with the error rate of 12.4 percent over the past four years.

It is a significantly higher error rate compared to 7.8% in the United States, 7.3% in Japan, and 5.7% in Germany during the same period.

The Ministry of Economy and Finance cited a larger-than-expected drop in corporate tax revenues this year and a decrease in asset market-related taxes, including capital gains taxes, due to sluggish real estate transactions as the main reasons for the lack of tax revenues.

Corporate tax is expected to be 14.5 trillion won less than the budget and transfer tax 5.8 trillion won less.

The government said it does not meet the requirements to set up an extra budget just because of the lack of tax revenue under the National Finance Act, and plans to make the most of the fund's surplus resources and respond by considering projects that are inevitably difficult to implement by the end of this year.

He added that he plans to analyze the cause of the tax error and fundamentally improve the tax estimate by seriously recognizing the situation in which tax errors have been repeated for four consecutive years.

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