Simplified request for disclosure of information in the living sector, such as CCTV and complaint

2024.09.26 오후 03:24
The system for requesting information disclosure necessary for resolving individual cases and accidents, such as litigation preparation or insurance claims, will be simplified.

The Ministry of Public Administration and Security announced that it will start a service to simplify the information disclosure request process tomorrow (27th).

After consultation with related agencies such as the National Police Agency, the National Fire Agency, and local governments, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security prepared a standard form for customized applications by dividing them into 10 types, including CCTV videos, complaints, first aid log health records, incident reports, and school violence.

Civil petitioners can easily request information disclosure by filling out essentials, and officials in charge can quickly receive bills and provide information.

According to an earlier survey conducted by the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the number of requests for disclosure of CCTV information related to insurance claims has more than tripled in the past five years, and the number of requests for disclosure of information related to complaints required to prepare for litigation has increased more than five times.

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