Unveiling the example questions for the 2028 College Scholastic Ability Test (CSAT) Integrated Society and Integrated Science... "Demand for Convergence Thinking."

2024.09.26 오후 03:51
The Ministry of Education and the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation first unveiled examples of integrated social and integrated science subjects that will be introduced from the 2028 College Scholastic Ability Test.

The questions released are 14 integrated societies and 12 integrated sciences, which require convergent thinking to solve problems by reflecting elements and achievement standards in various areas in a single question.

The two organizations said they created example questions at a level that is not difficult to help students and teachers understand the characteristics of the CSAT in integrated society and integrated science.

However, he explained that the content elements and composition ratio of each area of the example questions released this time are arbitrary, and the number of questions, allocation, and the ratio of questions in the actual CSAT will be announced at the announcement of the "2028 Basic Plan for the CSAT" in the first half of next year.

Example questions can be found on the website of the Korea Institute of Curriculum and Evaluation (www.kice.re.kr ) or the website of the College Scholastic Ability Test (www.suneung.re.kr ) "Notification Madang."

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