South Gyeongsang Province, where many young people left...Jeonbuk has high rate of youth secession

2024.09.30 오후 01:54
In the last 10 years, more than 110,000 young people have escaped from Gyeongnam, and in Jeonbuk, 18% of the young population has left.

According to the Korea Employment Information Service's report on the movement of young people and the outflow of local population, the number of young people aged 20 to 39 across the country decreased by 1.68 million from 2014 to 2023.

The proportion of the youth population among the total population is decreasing by 0.363%p per year, with Ulsan being the fastest, followed by Gyeongnam, Gyeongbuk, and Busan.

Looking at the population movement by region, Gyeongnam had the highest net outflow of youth among 17 cities and provinces, with 112,153 young people leaving for 10 years.

It was followed by 103,906 people in Gyeongbuk, 85,826 in Jeonbuk, 78,871 in Busan, and 76,465 people in Daegu.

On the other hand, a net inflow of 400,000 people in Gyeonggi Province, 190,000 in Seoul, and 60,000 in Sejong.

The proportion of youth outflow relative to population was the highest in Jeonbuk, with 4.6% of the total population and 18.8% of the youth population leaving the region for 10 years.

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