"Ishiba's Asian version of NATO-Nuclear Sharing Remarks, May Lose U.S. Trust"

2024.09.30 오후 02:30
The Nihon Keizai Shimbun reported that Ishiba's remarks on security policy are causing a stir between the U.S. and Japan, with Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party president Shigeru Ishiba set to be elected as the next prime minister tomorrow.

In an article to the Hudson Institute in the U.S., Ishiba argued that the creation of an Asian version of NATO and the joint operation of U.S. nuclear weapons should be considered in this framework.

He also stressed the need to revise the treaty, saying the opportunity to fix the asymmetric bilateral treaty is ripe for the U.S.-Japan security treaty.

In response, Nihon Keizai predicted that Ishiba could face challenges on his own from the beginning of the administration because the related arguments are related to the right to self-defense or the constitution.

He also pointed out that there is a risk of losing U.S. trust if he continues to say something that is less feasible.

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