56% of the people, "The biggest risk factor is the decrease in the production population due to low birth rate."

2024.09.30 오후 05:57
The survey showed that the general public cited a decrease in the production population due to low birth rate and aging population as a risk factor in Korea.

The Ministry of Strategy and Finance revealed this survey in a "Conversation with Future Generations" conducted by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy and Finance Choi Sang-mok with young interns.

This survey was conducted by the Korea Development Institute on future risks and anxiety factors for 331 experts and a total of 1,331 people in the general public.

When asked about internal risk factors, 55.8% of the general public and 62.8% of experts cited "reduction in the production population due to low birth rate and aging population."

As for the factors of personal anxiety, both experts and the general public cited "increased burden of support and anxiety in old age due to low birth rate and aging."

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