Breaking News Teenage woman 'Don't ask me to kill' reveals 30-year-old Park Dae-sung's personal information

2024.09.30 오후 06:08
Suspect of murder of a teenage girl in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, will be disclosed.

30-year-old Park Dae-sung...the murder of a schoolgirl
Jeonnam Police Agency decided this afternoon by the Personal Information Disclosure Committee

"Enough evidence to prove criminal cruelty and consultation"

Posting Park Dae-sung's personal information on the Jeonnam Police Agency website

In the early morning of the 26th, he swung a weapon while intoxicated

Capture that he is walking around the street laughing after about 10 minutes of the crime

Arrested by police who were dispatched after arguing with another passerby

Arrested on the 28th..."I can't remember because 4 soju drink".

Suncheon City to set up a memorial altar at the scene of the incident

▷ Further news will follow.

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