Minjoo "Prosecutor investigates manipulation with devil's editing..."Vicious than Goebbels".

2024.09.30 오후 06:14
In addition, the Democratic Party of Korea criticized the prosecution, which indicted Lee Jae-myung on charges of perjury and demanded a three-year prison term, for manipulating the indictment with devil's editing, saying it is a more vicious group than Nazi Goebbels in Germany in the past.

The Democratic Party's Prosecution Dictatorship Committee held a press conference, and the prosecution said it edited the conversation that Lee asked to recall his memory and turned him into a perjury teacher, and was only focused on "killing Lee Jae-myung" with a partial cut-off transcript.

The prosecution, which appears to be mean in front of First Lady Kim Gun-hee, is showing the face of so-called "demonstration" to the leader of the main opposition party, stressing that mean political retaliation and shameful maneuvers will surely be judged.

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