[A head-to-head match] "Lee Jaemyung, 3 years old?" The expected 'political' old...I'm sure you're innocent.

2024.09.30 오후 08:05
- Lee Jae-myung's leadership is not shaken by the first trial's ruling.The most likely next presidential candidate
- 'Night of Impeachment' event, Kang Deuk-gu's personal act...Nothing related to the Democratic Party of Korea
- 'Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act' 與 departure vote? Hopeful anticipation...South Korea, 尹 need to decide on relationship with ∀
- The Democratic Party of Korea, the Innovation Party's 'cash support' competition doesn't look good..We need to have a policy battle.
- "Honam Daejeon" is not very meaningful.Lee Jae-myung-Motherland overstates interpretation
- Both the Democratic Party of Korea and Honam region will win..With the ability and will to resolve pending issues
- Busan Geumjeong has a chance of winning if the opposition is unified..Polls must hurry to unify
- Ganghwa, 與 advantageous areas...Han Dong-hoon's defeat will deal an indescribable blow
- The decline in 與's approval rating is likely to have the biggest impact on 尹 and South Korea, which does not seem to have a trust relationship between ∀ and South Korea

◆ [YTN Radio SHINYUL's news]

■ Broadcasting: FM 94.5 (17:00-19:00)

■ Air date: September 30, 2024 (Monday)

■ Proceedings: Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University

■ Talk: Jung Sung-ho, member of the Democratic Party of Korea

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

◇ Shin Yul, Professor of Political Science and Diplomacy at Myongji University (hereinafter Shin Yul): Shin Yul's news head-to-head competition begins part 2. You're the most senior member of the Democratic Party of Korea, right? Let's take him directly to the studio of Rep. Jeong Seong-ho of the Democratic Party of Korea to hear his position on the pending issue. Senator, welcome.

◆ Rep. Jung Sung-ho of the Democratic Party of Korea (hereinafter referred to as Jung Sung-ho): Yes, how are you?

◇ Sin Yul: From a while ago. The prosecution has demanded three years of representative Lee Jae-myung. This is the decision. This is the trial. Today is

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I made up my mind.

◇ Sin Yul: I made up my mind. Doesn't the first trial sentence come out about a month later?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: If it's short, it's usually about 3 weeks or 4 weeks later, so isn't this an important event anyway? I think it will be sentenced in about four weeks.

◇ Shin Yul: How do you see the three-year old today? Because you're a lawyer.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Personally, I thought it would be that much. Considering the prosecution's attitude so far, last time, he was sentenced to two years in prison for violating the Public Official Election Act and spreading false information. Since
is a perjury teacher anyway, the prosecution argues that the crime is worse because it is more serious in general criminal law, so I expected it to be sentenced for about three years, which is more serious than then. However, anyway, since I think this is a very political retaliatory investigation in our argument, the sentence will also be quite political. Therefore, I expected that it would be sentenced for more than three years.

◇ Shin Yul: Is there any basis for thinking that it's a political retaliatory investigation?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Representative Lee Jae-myung was not acquitted because of Kim Jin-sung's perjury in the case that defendant Kim Jin-sung confessed to perjury. At that time, it is innocent because it was related to the prosecution and the prosecution was not an act of fact, but an expression of opinion. So, Kim Jin-sung's perjury was not related to the outcome of the trial. I think it's very political to bring it up again and investigate it because it's clearly in the Supreme Court's ruling. And I don't think there's a causal relationship between CEO Lee Jae-myung and Kim Jin-sung, who can be a perjury teacher, and Lee Jae-myung's request to tell me what I remember. Even if I look at the evidence submitted after that, I was quite political because I usually left out the advantages of representative Lee Jae-myung in the entire transcript and submitted only the parts that could be disadvantageous to representative Lee Jae-myung. That's how the investigation sees it.

◇ Shin Yul: Since lawmaker Jung Sung-ho is also a legal professional, I will ask you about each scenario. Assuming that the first trial will be sentenced a month later, the sentence came out like this. In order to help listeners understand, even if there is a fine of more than 1 million won in case of violation of the Public Official Election Act, this is actually an act of depriving them of their right to run for election. However, since this is not a charge related to violation of the Public Official Election Act, the right to run for election is deprived only when a sentence of imprisonment or higher falls. If so, the first three years were sentenced, but even with probation, the prison sentence fell. Do you think I'll be a little shaken up if this happens?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: As I said earlier, I'm confident that I'll be innocent in this case even if I see it as a lawyer, and it's hard to say on the premise of assumption, but wouldn't our Constitution be presumed innocent until proven guilty? Isn't it the next presidential candidate who is the most likely vote of the main opposition party? Then, in the last general election, representative Lee Jae-myung led and won an overwhelming victory. In such a situation, the public already believes that various cases related to representative Lee Jae-myung at that time were evaluated.
That is why no matter what the first trial ruling is, there will be no such situation in which the leadership of Chairman Lee Jae-myung within the party is shaken. That's what I think.

◇ Sin-ryul: So all the guilt or innocence is gone, and no matter what the ruling comes out, it will not be shaken. And it will take some time for the final ruling, right?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Yes, that's right.

◇ Shin-ryul: So that's what you think now, but even within the Democratic Party, those who predicted that the prosecution's sentence would fall said that Jung Sung-ho had predicted earlier, but others also said

◆ Isn't that usually the case? It is also very unusual that the spread of false information in violation of the Public Official Election Act, which was requested last time, was sentenced for two years, but in general, the violation of the election law was such a false information and the spread of false information for the purpose of election was requested for about two years. Usually, about 5 million won is requested, but before that, representative Lee Jae-myung was indicted for spreading false information for violating the Public Official Election Act. There were three cases when he was governor of Gyeonggi-do Province, and 2 million won per case was requested for 6 million won. Of course, I was acquitted. But I've asked for it for two years now, but in this case, I think the nature of the crime is a little bad. Since perjury teachers seem to be worse than perjury, I expected that the prosecution would seek at least three years, but as I said earlier, I think that I will be acquitted in this regard.

◇ Shin Yul: Okay. Let's stop talking about CEO Lee Jae-myung now. He also held an impeachment night event at the National Assembly. Don't you have to apply for a Democratic lawmaker to rent the place?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: If you want to hold a press conference at the National Assembly or use the facilities of the general public or the National Assembly, the members of the National Assembly should do it together. A member of the National Assembly has to apply.

◇ Sin Yul: How do you see that?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I don't know. In any case, any people can claim impeachment and claim that the president should step down. So, I think it's the aspect of freedom of expression, but there are ruling and opposition parties in the National Assembly anyway, and I think there should be a certain standard if we rent facilities anyway. However, Kang Deuk-gu is a member of the party. It is said that Kang Deuk-gu introduced it, but there is no fact that Kang Deuk-gu's personal act was related to this at all in the Democratic Party.

◇ Sin-ryul: Of course it is. However, in the case of the general public, it can be a little confusing if a Democratic Party member did this and borrowed it and pretended to do it there.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Recently, there have been many cases where some lawmakers have participated in rallies in Gwanghwamun Square or in the square in front of the city hall of such civic groups that insist on impeaching the president. However, it's a bit of a problem because the place is within the National Assembly, but in that sense, the public may misunderstand that if there is an event such as introducing Democratic lawmakers in the National Assembly, this will be related to the Democratic Party. However, let me just clarify that the Democratic Party of Korea currently has an opinion regarding the impeachment of the president and the opinions of individual lawmakers are freedom of expression, but the party has not decided that position.

◇ Shin-yul: Anyway, it's a little bit of a lot of things, so I asked you, but since you were a lawyer, how do you see that? Regarding Kim Gun-hee, one of them suggested not to prosecute, and Su-wi. And I gave an opinion on prosecution to Pastor Choi Jae-young, but this is confusing from the perspective of the general public.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Actually, the public is not convinced by most opinion polls, right? In fact, that's why all the recordings of the situation at that time have already been released. In such a situation, the prosecution is making a legal argument, but I can make a legal argument and interpret it differently. I believe that the prosecution should actually prosecute this aspect, and if it is finally not prosecuted, what would have ended up being done? Regarding Kim Gun-hee, the independent counsel law has been passed by the National Assembly, and I will propose a veto this morning. The President will veto it within the 4th of October. In fact, if that happens, it's not going to end there, is it? This will be repeated again, but this time, the Kim Gun-hee Special Prosecutor Act includes Kim Gun-hee's involvement in the nomination. Then, the statute of limitations on the act of involvement in the nomination is October 10. That's why I believe that the National Assembly has no choice but to make a decision before that.

◇ Shin Yul: But now we have to vote again, which is related to the re-decision. However, some people seem to have such opinions within the opposition party that there will be a leave vote in the re-vote. How do you see it?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: That's a hopeful expectation right now. In the end, I think Representative Han Dong-hoon should decide whether to go with the people or with President Yoon Suk Yeol until the end, but so far, I believe that Representative Han Dong-hoon will somehow restore relations with President Yoon Suk Yeol and not take the path with the people. In the end, if you want to differentiate yourself from President Yoon, survive your own life, and try to become the next presidential candidate, you have to go with the people, but I don't think you can make that choice yet, and I don't think you're ready at all. I think it is very difficult to create a breakaway vote within the ruling party because the party's control or leadership is not secured at all.

◇ Shin Yul: Yes, I see. And isn't there a by-election on October 16th? Honam Yeonggwang seems to be very hot, but I'll give you one basic income. And then I'll give you a happy support fund. And how do you see it? No, he's the most-elected lawmaker, and he's been in politics for more than 20 years.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: No, but Professor Shin, I'm not the best. There are six of the most, and I'm five. There are two people in the 6th line. Anyway, I'm in a group of people, but this doesn't look very good. Because this is the end of the day, isn't it the head of the local government that selects local workers? I think it's too overheated to pick the head of the local government. Of course, the ruling party's garden is just the ruling party's garden, and the opposition parties are fighting over the opposition's garden, right? I think it's a little too overheated and there's no need to give too much meaning to it. To be honest,

◇ But what I'm personally worried about is that it keeps showing like this. Then isn't there a local election next year? It's two years from now. There's a local election in two years. There's a presidential election a year later. If both the ruling and opposition parties talk about paying money at this time, I'm worried that this will become a little difficult.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I also went to an election to pick a local worker and criticized each other too much, did you sleep in a hotel or live in a monthly rent house.

◇ Shin-yul: I asked if it was a monthly rent apartment or a hotel, and the hotel said, "How much is this three-star class per day?" It's 60,000 won or 50,000 won, but I'm doing this right now.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I hope that's not the case. In fact, in the end, you have to trust local voters, have a policy confrontation there, verify the candidates, and make sure that local residents can judge well. It doesn't look very good to say what you want to give or do.

◇ Shin Yul: And I think we should ask you about this in each scenario, but there are two seats in Honam.
Right? But if the Democratic Party loses even one seat, what do you think is the meaning of the blow to the Democratic Party?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I don't think it's very meaningful. In the last general election, the election was followed by the Democratic Party of Korea and proportional representation Jimin, but in the end, it is believed that the Democratic Party and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party are the same in terms of trying to judge the incompetence and irresponsibility of the Yoon Suk Yeol regime. I think it's too much to interpret that there is a blow to representative Lee Jae-myung and a blow to representative Cho Kuk because of which party you choose. In any case, the residents of the region and the Korean people in Honam are seeing how their supporters should fight the current government properly.

◇ Sin Yul: So if even one seat is lost, the Democratic Party won't be so hard hit.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I don't think it's something that should be meaningful.

◇ Shin Yul: But the Cho Kuk Innovation Party seems to be trying to secure even one seat.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Anyway, we only have proportional representation right now, right? So I'm trying to build a regional base in Honam, but in the end, I think the Democratic Party will win both. In the end, I think voters in Honam will eventually choose the Democratic Party in terms of which party is capable and willing to solve various issues in Honam and which party can take responsibility.

◇ Shin Yul: But is that Busan Geumjeong? Even now, both sides are not working in the election for the head of Geumjeong-gu. a single candidate Looking at this, I feel that the Cho Kuk Innovation Party has put a considerable amount of luck on the party's by-elections, and the Democratic Party is just accusing the Cho Kuk Innovation Party again. This is a bit

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I don't think it looks good to file a complaint during the election process. However, in the case of Geumjeong, there are opinions that there is a possibility if the opposition party unifies it anyway. If so, I think it's the right attitude to have it and unify it through general opinion polls. Now, the Cho Kuk Innovation Party wants to have a discussion and go through a certain process, but we don't have time for the meeting now. Instead, vulnerabilities can be exposed during the discussion process. If you try to win in this situation, I think the best way is to unify it through general polls. That is.

◇ Shin Yul: From Han Dong-hoon's point of view, shouldn't we have to bet our fate on the former Busan mayor of Geumjeong-gu or the election of Ganghwa-gun?

◆ Jeong Seong-ho: Ganghwa is also said to be a very conservative area.

◇ Shin Yul: But the tickets are going to be split right now. Because Ahn Sang-soo is nominated,

◆ Jung Sung-ho: I still need to register, but isn't Geumjeong or Ganghwa an advantageous area for the ruling party anyway? If you look at the vote share there, I think if representative Han Dong-hoon loses, it will be an indescribable blow. Even if he wins, wouldn't it be a big blow if the ruling and opposition parties' votes were higher because they were not unified with the Cho Kuk Innovation Party? That's because it's an area that the ruling party must win. So, even in Ganghwa, the people of Ganghwa are quite conscious now. In fact, there are many people living in the metropolitan area, so I don't think it's impossible to achieve a different result than before because I think some judgment on the Yoon Suk Yeol regime will be reflected considerably.

◇ Shin Yul: The Democrats may win that it's a different outcome. No, but right now, it's very... Go ahead.

◆ Jung Sung-ho: In the case of Ganghwa, I've also seen an article saying that the person who is now a candidate for county governor is different and is now suspected of violating the Public Official Election Act, and as far as I know, it is likely to be prosecuted.

◇ Shin-yul: That's what we have to wait and see, but I think if we lose, there will be a blow. Now?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Of course, CEO Han Dong-hoon's

◇ Shin Yul: It's not like this, but

◆ Jung Sung-ho: Even if it doesn't go that far, I think the trend is that the public's support for representative Han Dong-hoon is falling. In such a situation, the results of this election are not meaningful enough to show what kind of leadership of representative Han Dong-hoon, but if the vote rate is lower than in the past, it will be difficult for representative Han Dong-hoon to seek the next local election or after.

◇ Shin-yul: You said now that it seems to be a trend to see a drop in approval ratings, why?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: He is also the leader of the ruling party, and the power of the leader of the ruling party comes from the trust relationship with the president. But isn't it a general observation that the ruling party leader has little trust in the president? However, it would be impossible for the ruling party leader to create a driving force to increase his approval rating.

◇ Shin-yul: But can't the ruling party leader and the president say that the president's approval rating is high even if it works too well? To be honest? Compared to the past, it is quite the lowest level, but even if a president like this works smoothly, from the ruling party's point of view, it is only a coupling. Isn't it inevitable that the approval rating is going to be like this?

◆ Jung Sung-ho: You need to have trust with the president of the ruling party so that the ruling party can take some initiative in policy or legislation, whether it's a policy. Of course, although the opposition party is the majority in legislation, it can play a leading role in promoting major policies. Isn't the ruling and opposition legislative council representative? The truth is? Nothing is being made because the ruling party is not empowering at all right now. Next, it is said that the government will make a garden-related organization, but the ruling party has now excluded it, hasn't it? have a governing party

◇ Shin Yul: I was a little surprised when I saw that, too. I think it's kind of weird if I say I'm going to make something similar again. Still, it was good to hear the Democratic Party's position on it vividly because the old volume came out when lawmaker Sung-ho was invited. Thank you. Thank you for your words today. It was Jung Sung-ho of the Democratic Party of Korea.

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