Suncheon Teenage Woman's Knife Killer Reveals Personal Information...30-year-old Park Dae-sung.

2024.09.30 오후 09:51
The personal information of the suspect who killed a teenage woman on the road with a weapon in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do, has been released.

I'm 30-year-old Park Dae-sung.

The Personal Information Disclosure Review Committee explained that the cruelty of the crime and the seriousness of the damage were recognized.

I'm reporter Oh Sun-yeol.

A man who killed a teenage woman by wielding a weapon on the street in Suncheon, Jeollanam-do at night.

The suspect, who was intoxicated at the time, told reporters he had no recollection of it while attending the interrogation before his arrest.

[Park Dae-sung (last 28th) / Suspect of Suncheon's murder: I'm sorry. (You don't remember that time at all?) Yes. (How much did you drink?) I took about four bottles.]

In accordance with the Serious Crime Disclosure Act, the Jeonnam Police Agency held a committee consisting of seven people, including outsiders, and decided to disclose it.

The name is Park Dae-sung, 30 years old.As the disclosure of personal information about

Park has been decided, personal information such as face, name, and age will be posted on the Jeonnam Police Agency website for 30 days.

Park, who ran a restaurant, took a weapon from the store on the day of the incident and chased the victim 800m who he had never met.

Shortly after the crime, CCTV caught him smiling and striding the streets, further increasing the public anger.

The police explained that Park attempted to commit a crime against a teenage woman at a public place and killed her, and that there was enough evidence of the crime.

At the same time, he added that not only is the crime very cruel, but the seriousness of the damage is recognized.

The police are arresting Park and investigating the motive of the crime.

This is YTN Osunyeol.

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