A high school student who followed a woman on the same bus and wielded a weapon was arrested.

2024.09.30 오후 10:07
A teenager who followed a passenger on the same bus and wielded a weapon was caught by police.

The Jeju Dongbu Police Station is investigating high school student A on special injury charges.

Mr. A is accused of injuring a woman in her 20s by wielding a weapon at the bus stop in Ara-dong, Jeju-si, at around 9:30 p.m. the day before (28th).

The victim, who suffered a serious facial injury, was taken to a hospital for surgery and is not known to be life-threatening.

According to a police investigation, the two had no acquaintance, and A claimed that he had an argument with the victim on the bus, but the victim stated that there was no argument.

The police found that A has an intellectual disability and are investigating the details of the crime.

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