Driving recklessly, chasing police... "up to 135km/h"

2024.09.30 오후 11:10
Fleeing with the order to stop...Roaring up the speed
3 luxury cars driving recklessly..."Up to 135km/h"
Arrested after fleeing about 3km/h...Accused of reckless driving
"Meeting at an Internet club and planning a crime"
In the middle of the night, car drivers who were in a dangerous chase in the city center were arrested by police.

It was found that the speed was more than 130 kilometers per hour on the city road.

Reporter facial expression reports.

A police patrol car chases a luxury car in the middle of the night.

The car, which fled without responding to the inspection, is speeding up a long time ahead.

In the middle of the night, a chase and chase took place on the road in Gimpo, Gyeonggi Province.

Another patrol car grabbed me by the neck and blocked the road ahead, but to no avail.

leaves the patrol car and runs away.

It stops only when the patrol car approaches the car, which is speeding up with a roaring sound, and blocks its path.

[Youngsoo Kim / Gyeonggi Gimpo Police Station Traffic Team Leader: As soon as he saw the patrol car, he scattered and started running away. He kept avoiding now, violating the signal, invading the center line and running away, but he chased and arrested him until the end.

Three Genesis coupe cars drove recklessly, speeding up to 135km/h on the road in Yangchon-eup, Gimpo-si, Gyeonggi-do, at around 0:30 a.m.

They quickly accelerated and suddenly changed directions, ignoring the police's order to stop and running for about 3km.

Police are investigating two of the three drivers on charges of reckless driving under the Road Traffic Act.

We plan to call the rest of the driver, a man in his 30s, and investigate him soon.

The police believe that they met at an Internet club and planned the crime, and are investigating the exact circumstances of the incident.

I'm YTN's facial expression Woo.

Courtesy of screen: Gyeonggi Nambu Police Agency
Video editing: Lee Ju-yeon

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