"Climate, Coexistence, Topping Economy"...What's the keyword for the trend in 2025?

2024.10.01 오전 03:02
Is there a hit product or trend that comes to mind first of all this year?

Numerous products such as the Fubao craze, Dubai chocolate, specialty coffee, and professional baseball, which exceeded 10 million spectators, were loved by the public.

What other products or trends will appeal to consumers next year?

Reporter Park Soon-pyo covered it.

This year, Pubao has been an icon of healing.

Even after returning to China, movies and books about Korean life are rushing to come out.Dubai Chocolate inherited the craze for

maratang and Tanghulu this year.

Professional baseball, which has exceeded 10 million spectators due to the growing number of students, is also attracting great attention this year due to the craze for medical school entrance exams, the running of the specialty coffee and MZ generation, and the increase in female fans.

[Professor Kim Nando / Trend Korea 2025 Author: Baseball is very popular these days, and when you go to the baseball stadium, it is entirely women who lead the baseball craze. Baseball used to have complicated rules, right? There were a lot of women teasing me that they didn't know baseball, but these days, it's not.]

The climate crisis is an indispensable keyword next year.

It is expected to bring about major changes in all aspects, including political and economic repercussions, as well as changes in real life according to the abnormal climate.

As we move from a single ethnic group to a multicultural society and the globalization of our culture accelerates, the concepts and boundaries of the Korean Wave, such as K-pop and K-drama, are expected to become more ambiguous.

In order to survive fierce market competition, it is also necessary to pay attention to win-win and coexistence strategies beyond industries, companies, and regions.

[Professor Kim Nando of Seoul National University / Trend2025] [Apple is opening its closed Apple. If we go there, we'll go to Gwangjang Market / Recently put Starbucks in it / Pop-up stores. We'll create a win-win atmosphere where we can do everything together]
The phenomenon of pursuing various consumption across borders such as
age and gender, machines that resemble human faces and emotions, and various toppings that save one's own personality were also presented as new trends.

However, unless there is a major economic change, it is predicted that a drastic change in consumption patterns will not occur next year.

I'm Park Soonpyo of YTN.

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