Police search for secretary's office in Wonju for 'suspicious water supply and sewage corruption'

2024.10.01 오전 03:06
Police investigating allegations of corruption at Wonju Water and Sewerage Office in Gangwon-do seized and searched the secretariat of Wonju City Hall yesterday (30th).

The reason for the search is an investigation related to the improvement of the Wonjucheon pipeline, and the police are investigating whether the construction company and the City Hall secretariat are related.

In addition, it is known to look at the alleged misappropriation of work promotion expenses and abuse of authority by the former chief of staff A.

Earlier, the police arrested the head of the construction company B, believing that there was a suspicion of external pressure in the process of selecting the company in connection with the improvement of the Wonju Stream pipeline, which costs a total of 42 billion won.

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