Trump aide said, "Recognizing North Korea as a nuclear power is dangerous...The goal is denuclearization."

2024.10.01 오전 03:24
Former White House national security adviser Robert O'Brien, Trump's foreign affairs and security adviser, criticized the International Atomic Energy Agency chief's comments that North Korea should be recognized as a nuclear power as a dangerous question.

During the Tri Forum talks in Washington, D.C., O'Brien asked if the IAEA secretary-general was right, saying the key was safety, asking if North Korea should have only certain types of nuclear weapons or engage in disarmament negotiations.

"I don't know if we should go the way of recognizing North Korea as a nuclear power," he said. "If we recognize North Korea's nuclear weapons, South Korea and Japan will also insist on their own nuclear armament for deterrence."

Former aide O'Brien stressed that the goal is denuclearization, even when asked if the U.S. policy on North Korea will shift from denuclearization to non-proliferation if former President Trump returns to power.

In addition, the Kim family in North Korea said they want to remain in power like the mafia and believe nuclear weapons keep them in power, adding that we should continue to work toward denuclearization.

He also said he hopes Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will not have a nuclear proliferation, pointing out that if North Korea is recognized as a nuclear power, South Korea and Japan will also want nuclear weapons, and the more nuclear countries there are, the more dangerous the world becomes.

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