[News UP] Key schedule for 9/11

2024.09.11 오전 08:34
September 11th News Up, summarizes the main schedule.

The National Assembly's Legislation and Judiciary Committee will hold a plenary session and deliberate on the Special Prosecutor Act on Corporal Diseases and the Special Prosecutor Act on First Lady Kim Gun-hee while being pushed by the opposition party.

The ruling party says both bills are highly likely to be unconstitutional and need further examination, while the opposition party is even considering handling the plenary session before Chuseok, which is expected to cause a clash.

The Bank of Korea and the Financial Services Commission will announce financial market and household loan trends last month.

Amid a sharp increase in household loans from April to July this year, August is expected to have seen household loan growth hit an all-time high ahead of the second phase of stress DSR, which took effect this month.

The third day of the interpellation session will be followed by economic questions. The opposition party is expected to point out issues such as the Timef crisis and household debt management due to fiscal policy, while the ruling party is expected to point out issues such as the "National 250,000 Won Support Act."

Kim Bum-soo, chairman of Kakao's Management Reform Committee, who is accused of artificially manipulating stock prices in the process of acquiring SM Entertainment, will be put on trial for the first time.

Chairman Kim is accused of manipulating the market price to prevent Hive from making a tender offer to buy SM Entertainment in February last year.

News Up, it was a major schedule.

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