Democratic Council Appoints Standing Committee Members, including Ri Il-kyu, a 'Departheid Diplomat'

2024.09.26 오후 02:37
The Advisory Council for Democratic and Peaceful Unification filled four members of the 21st standing committee with North Korean defectors, including diplomats from North Korea.

The North Korean defectors appointed to the standing committee are Lee Il-kyu, former North Korean Embassy in Cuba, Ryu Hyun-woo, former acting ambassador to Kuwait, Kim Sung-min, president of Free North Korea Broadcasting, and Lee Hyun-seo, CEO of Seven Asset.

Senior Vice Chairman Kim Kwan-yong said he will give letters of appointment to the new standing members and expand the appointment of North Korean defectors as advisors and executive members in the future.

The total number of standing members of the Democratic Peace Committee, which operates in nine divisions, including unification and security, human rights and North Korean defectors' support, and international cooperation, has increased to 500, and the number of standing members from North Korean defectors has increased to 18.

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