The ruling party said, "The government feels sorry for its major..."Responding to the request for a change in attitude in the medical community."

2024.09.30 오후 06:34
The People's Power evaluated that the government responded to the medical community's demand for a change in attitude, with Minister of Health and Welfare Cho Kyu-hong saying he expressed his regret to his doctors.

Han Ji-ah, a senior spokesman, told reporters that the government was the first to express sorry for the resignation, stressing that it would resolve distrust between legislatures in an open manner.

Subsequently, Park Min-soo, the second vice minister of Health and Welfare, explained to Han Dong-hoon that the "medical manpower supply and demand estimation organization" that the president's office decided to establish could be a committee to supplement the ruling and opposition party council.

Earlier, representative Han met with National Assembly Speaker Woo Won-sik and said he thinks the launch of the "Youth-opposition Council" to discuss medical reform is near the final decision-making stage.

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