Elderly people living alone, less than half the cost of living on their own.

2024.09.26 오후 12:00
It was found that less than half of the elderly living alone solved the cost of living on their own.

According to the statistics of the elderly released by the National Statistical Office, 49.4% of the elderly aged 65 or older living alone paid for their own living expenses.

In particular, 33.2% of the elderly provided living expenses with government or social group support, more than twice as high as 15.4%.

The proportion of children or relatives supporting living expenses was 17.5%, higher than that of all elderly households, which was 15.9%.

As of October last year, 665,000 people were employed among the elderly living alone, accounting for 32.8% of them.

In addition, 21.4% of the elderly living alone said they had difficulty walking or climbing stairs, which was more restrictive than all the elderly.

However, 18.7% of the elderly living alone said they had no one to help, and 19.5% said they had no one to interact with.

There are 5,655,000 elderly households with heads of households aged 65 or older, of which 2.138 million households, or 37.8%, live alone.

Women accounted for 69% of households living alone, 2.2 times more than men.

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