On-site meetings between the Korea Communications Commission and the four telecommunications companies...Discussion of Dispute Resolution Measures

2024.09.26 오후 02:31
The Korea Communications Commission held an on-site meeting with officials from SK Telecom, KT, LG Uplus, and SK Broadband to discuss ways to resolve communication disputes.

The Korea Communications Commission urged active response, saying the role of the telecommunications business operator, a party to the dispute, is important for the prevention and relief of user damage.

In particular, there are frequent cases of falsely announcing the price of the handset or unfairly signing contracts, he said, asking for stronger supervision of branch management.

In addition, it asked to consider improving procedures to prevent damage from name theft and smishing, and the four telecommunications companies said they would strengthen measures to prevent damage, including the introduction of digital identification cards that cannot be forged or altered.

Shin Young-kyu, director of the Korea Communications Commission's Broadcasting and Communications User Policy Bureau, said, "We will strengthen support so that the rights and interests of users can be protected."

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