"Famous Office" Government Inter-floor Noise Countermeasures...It's either abolished or not implemented properly.

2024.09.30 오후 06:36
It has been found that the government's two measures to noise between apartment floors are not being implemented properly because they are on the verge of "disposal" due to the lack of a consumer response or because the law amendment has not been passed.

According to the data submitted by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport to a lawmaker of the Democratic Party of Korea, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport set aside 4 billion won last year and 1.2 billion won this year for remodeling projects to improve inter-floor noise, but none of them provided support.

Remodeling for improving noise between floors' is a project that provides part of the remodeling cost to the union when remodeling apartments using a high-performance floor structure that reduces noise between floors.

The loan limit of up to 5 million won per household and an annual interest rate of 4% were applied to 85㎡ houses, and even though it was a mortgage loan under the condition of establishing a collateral security right on the house, the loan interest rate was higher than that of commercial banks, so there was no one applying for loan support.

The government has set aside 1.2 billion won for the project this year, but has decided to abolish it completely from next year.

The apartment noise reduction mat support project was also underperforming, such as lending interest-free expenses to households with an annual income of less than 40 million won in 84㎡ apartment houses.

Last year's execution rate was only 0.74%, and this year, it set aside 2.4 billion won after sharply lowering its target with 800 support, but it supported 177 cases by August, showing an execution rate of 18.4%.

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport explained that the loan support project performed poorly due to the fundamental limitation that the subject had to repay the principal and interest.

In December last year, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport announced additional high-intensity measures, including requiring construction companies to carry out supplementary construction until they meet the floor noise standards, and although the housing law needs to be revised, related laws have not even been properly deliberated by the National Assembly's Land, Infrastructure and Transport Committee.

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