'Seongtanjeol Dobong-gu Fire' 5 years of safe in 70s left cigarette butts unattended

2024.09.04 오후 12:00
A man in his 70s was sentenced to five years in prison today (4th) for leaving a cigarette butt unattended in an apartment in Dobong-gu, Seoul, killing three people and injuring 26 others.

The bereaved family, who lost their precious family members to the fire, sobbed at the outcome of the sentence and bowed their heads to the court to thank the court for doing their best.

I'll connect you with a reporter to find out more about the news.

Reporter Yang Donghoon!

At the time of the fire, the father who jumped with his child died. Please tell me the results of the trial.

A fire broke out on the third floor of an apartment building in Dobong-gu, Seoul, in the early morning of Christmas last year when many families fell asleep after a fun holiday.

The fire killed three people, including a father who jumped out of an apartment with his 7-month-old daughter, his parents and family, and a 30-year-old who collapsed in a hallway, and injured 26 others.

According to police and prosecution investigations, cigarette butts abandoned in the room were blamed for the fire.

Mr. A smoked for nearly seven hours while watching a Go video in a room on the third floor, and it was found that the embers in the butt spread to the surrounding garbage bags and spread to the entire apartment.

Mr. A was arrested and charged with gross negligence and other charges, and the results of the first trial came out today.

Earlier, the prosecution asked the court to impose a five-year prison sentence, the highest court sentence, and the court also sentenced the sentence as it was.

The court pointed out that the victims were injured and killed due to the serious negligence of A, who did not properly extinguish the cigarette and spread the smoke by opening the front door without taking measures such as reporting it.

He also explained that A needs severe punishment, saying that he avoided responsibility without taking measures to recover the damage even after producing terrible results and was not forgiven by the bereaved family.

Today's trial was also attended by bereaved families who lost their families to the fire.He sobbed at the result of the sentence

and bowed his head to the court saying, "Thank you for doing your best."

A bereaved family member, who still cannot sleep due to the anger of losing their son in his 30s, met with reporters and expressed anger, saying A did not apologize, and raised his voice that he was actually the arsonist.

I'm Yang Donghoon of YTN from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

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