"Tomorrow, leave your car in downtown Seoul!"As an event of Armed Forces Day, all control, land, sea, and air weapons are 'all out' [Anchor Report]

2024.09.30 오후 03:34
Tomorrow, which is Armed Forces Day and a temporary holiday, there are many people who are thinking about going out somewhere, so you'd better leave your car in downtown Seoul.

Tomorrow, events organized by the Ministry of National Defense will be held to mark the 76th anniversary of the Armed Forces Day.

Accordingly, from 1 p.m. to 3:40 p.m. tomorrow, the entire lane will be controlled from Heoneung-ro to Yangjae-daero, Dongjak-daero, Memorial-ro, and Han River-daero.This is because armoured equipment units, such as

army personnel transport buses and K2 tanks, move along this route.

Also, from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., a large-scale city march will be held from Sungnyemun Gate to Gwanghwamun in Sejong-daero,

The land, sea, and air weapons responsible for the security of the Republic of Korea are expected to show their prowess in front of the citizens' eyes.

Above all, the ground-to-ground missile Hyeonmu-5, considered the 'world's strongest bunker buster', is expected to appear for the first time, drawing attention.
Hyeonmu-5, which can destroy underground bunkers hidden by Chairman Kim Jong-un in the event of an emergency, is considered a conventional and tactical nuclear weapons-grade destructive weapon because it weighs 8-9 tons of warheads.

In addition, more than 70 air parades of land, sea, and air helicopters, including the U.S. Air Force's B-1B Lancer, Apache, and Surion, which can carry up to 57 tons of armament, are also scheduled.
However, an official from the Ministry of National Defense said that there may be variables depending on weather and security conditions, such as rain forecasts in Seoul tomorrow.

The Armed Forces Day event will involve 5,400 soldiers and 7.9 billion won in the national budget.

It is more than 2 billion less than last year's budget.However, it's still a big budget event.

YTN will also broadcast the Armed Forces Day event live tomorrow.

Attention is focusing on whether it can be a place that can give pride to soldiers and the people.

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