Football Leaders' Association "Last chance to step down with honor"...Chung Mong-gyu's call for resignation

2024.09.30 오후 04:17
The Korea Football Association called for the immediate resignation of the KFA President Chung Mong-gyu and other executives, saying it was the last chance to resign with the most honor.

The leadership association pointed out that the "Jeong Mong-gyu system" has been proven to be impossible to exist through repeated mistakes, incompetence, and unconventional management, and that it has destroyed the honor and pride accumulated by senior and junior soccer players.

He also criticized that the fairness standards shown by the association's executives and employees in the process of appointing the national team coach were separated from the common sense of the people.

The Leadership Association, which was launched in June, has consistently called for the resignation of Chairman Chung Mong-gyu and the reform of the Korea Football Association.

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