kt Um Sang-baek-SSG Elias will make his first appearance in the 'fifth place decider'

2024.10.01 오전 12:09
With the last spot of "Autumn Baseball," KT and SSG will hold their first-ever "fifth place decider" in Suwon at 5 p.m. today (1st).

The two teams, which have the same wins, draws, and face-to-face record, will challenge the ticket to the wild card match, which Doosan, ranked fourth, is waiting for through a single match.

Eom Sang-baek was in charge of KT and Elias was in charge of SSG.

Today's record is not included in the regular season and does not affect individual titles, and if the win or loss is not decided by the ninth inning, overtime will be played until the game is played without a limit to innings and time.

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