The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said, "It's going to change this fall."

2024.09.11 오후 03:00
The Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) said La Niña is likely to develop between September and November this fall.

The Korea Meteorological Administration explained that El Nino, which occurred in May last year, was converted to neutral in May this year, and that the sea level temperature in the El Nino-Raniña monitoring area is now gradually falling, so it is likely to switch to La Nino.

is a phenomenon in which the sea surface temperature in the eastern Pacific near the equator is abnormally low, and El Niño, on the contrary, the global temperature drops by 0.2°C in La Niña, and rises by that much in El Niño.In the year when

La Niña develops, September-October in Korea has higher temperatures and more rain than usual.

In November and December, temperatures tend to fall from the average year and rain tends to decrease, but recently, temperatures and precipitation tend to increase in November, so caution is needed.

Since 1950, there have been 24 cases of El Niño and 16 cases of La Niña.

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