[Weather] Until today, the late heat...Tomorrow's rain temperature is 'tuk', Seoul's daytime is 22℃.

2024.09.30 오후 02:39
Due to the strong autumn sun, the late heat is raging again today.

Tomorrow, a temporary holiday, will rain with cold air in most parts of the country.

We will connect to the site and find out the weather at this time. Castor Lee Hyemin!

Yes, it's in Yeonnam-dong.

How is the weather in Seoul now?

Currently, Seoul is clear as the clouds pass by.

The sun is shining down, so the day is very hot.

The current temperature exceeds 28 degrees Celsius and is 5 degrees above the previous year's temperature at this time of year.

This late heat will ease after it rains tomorrow, right?

Yes, that’s right. Tomorrow, it will rain in most parts of the country, and the temperature will drop sharply as the cold air comes down after the rain stops.

Tomorrow's daytime temperature in Seoul will be 22 degrees, about 6 degrees lower than today, and it will be chilly because of strong winds.

Rain will start early tomorrow morning from Incheon and northwestern Gyeonggi Province, and it will mainly fall in the west in the morning.

In the afternoon, the rain in the west will gradually die down, but it will rain in Yeongnam and Jeju Island, and rain will continue in these areas until the dawn of the day after tomorrow.

Most of the falling amount is small at 5-10mm, but the temperature change is large, so if you go out on a holiday, you should pay attention to your clothes.

Tomorrow morning's temperature is expected to be 20 degrees in Seoul and 18 degrees in Gwangju and Daegu.

Daytime temperatures will be mostly 5 degrees lower than today.

The central and northern regions, including 22 degrees in Seoul, will fall to around 20 degrees.

On the other hand, in the Yeongnam region, the temperature will continue to be 27 degrees in Daegu and 29 degrees in Busan until tomorrow.

In the second half of the week, it will rain in most parts of the country except the metropolitan area.

In particular, a lot of rain is expected on the east coast and the south because the hot water vapor brought by the typhoon collides with the cold air that has descended on the Korean Peninsula.

Currently, the 18th typhoon "Kuraton" is moving northwest from waters north of Manila, the Philippines.

The typhoon is expected to pass through Taiwan between the 2nd and 3rd and head north to the southern sea of Jeju Island around the second half of the week.

Since then, the path of the typhoon has been fluid, but there is a possibility of heavy rain later in the week and damage from strong winds, high waves, and swells is expected at sea.

In the second half of the week, you should check the latest weather information carefully.

For the time being, the waves will be high on the coast of Jeju Island and tomorrow on the southern coast.

High waves can cross the seashore or breakwater, so if you visit the beach for the holiday, you should pay attention to safety accidents.

I'm YTN's Lee Hyemin.

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