Change the Korean beef earmark and receive insurance money illegally...a bunch of detections

2024.09.26 오전 10:01
The Jeonbuk National Police Agency sent 23 livestock farmers, including a man in his 30s, and two livestock workers to the prosecution on charges of trying to get insurance money by deceiving Korean beef that had been slaughtered or killed in advance as if it were a cow insured by livestock insurance.

Mr. A is accused of unfairly receiving 34 million won in insurance money by exchanging the earmarks of 17 Korean cattle that were urgently slaughtered on his farm between March and May for the earmarks of other cattle insured for livestock accident insurance.

As a result of further investigation by the police, believing that such crimes are common, 22 livestock farmers were caught trying to commit the same crime in Jeonbuk alone, and livestock workers who directly helped change their earmarks were caught.

Police will propose to livestock authorities the introduction of a new type of earmark, which inserts electronic chips into the cow's body instead of the printed plastic earmark currently used.

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