Are hit-and-run criminals and assistants involved in "fraud crimes" in the "lover tragedy"?

2024.09.30 오후 03:26
Meet me at Incheon International Airport, the acquaintance who lent me the luxury car that caused the accident.
Helpers, Thailand, Cambodia...Fraudulent Punishment HistorySuspicion of link between hit-and-run and helpers' history of immigration and criminality Investigation of 'involvement in telephone fraud criminal organization' of hit-and-run criminals and helpers
Investigation is expanding into hit-and-runners and helpers who killed or injured a man and woman in their 20s on a motorcycle.

Police are checking whether they are involved in fraudulent crimes based on their criminal history and other circumstances.

I'm reporter Na Hyun-ho.

Mr. Kim ran away with two casualties after hitting a motorcycle that was ahead of him while driving a luxury foreign car on a road in Gwangju early on the 24th.
Shortly after the
accident, he tried to leave the country twice through Daejeon and Incheon Airport, and met his acquaintance, A, who lent his car, at the airport.

Mr. A left for Thailand by plane, but Mr. Kim moved back to Seoul and hid because he was afraid that he would have been banned from leaving the country.

Those who helped Kim have been confirmed to have traveled to Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries several times in the past.

In particular, it turned out that he was punished several times for fraud.

This is why the police suspect the reason why they went to foreign countries several times and drove luxury cars, even though they claimed to be unemployed.

As a result, apart from the hit-and-run, police are investigating the possibility that Kim and his helpers were also involved in other crimes such as telephone financial fraud, money laundering, and violent organizations.

[Cho Young-cheol / Gwangju Seobu Police Station Traffic Division: We can't tell you the exact name or frequency of the Maserati driver, but it has been confirmed that he has had several previous convictions since the second episode]

As for the companies that own the accident vehicles, we are looking into whether they are involved in crimes such as the so-called distribution of cannon cars.

In addition, an emergency assessment was requested from the Korea Expressway Corporation to determine the exact speed of the vehicle that was committed at the time of the accident.

I'm Na Hyunho of YTN.

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