Whib, TIOT, All Hours, Hybrid Unit Formed...Revealed for the first time at "U-CON".

2024.09.30 오후 04:16
An idol unit that destroyed the existing format will be born.

Three active idol groups, one year after their debut, will unite to form a rap and dance unit. WHIB, TIOT, ALL(H)OURS are the main characters. Their historical challenges and stages will be unveiled for the first time at the UCON (Underdogs' Concert) held at Yes24 in Gwangjang-dong, Seoul, on October 9.

The rap unit was composed of rappers from each group to complete the septet. Hive's J-Der and Yoo Gun, TIOT's Kim Min-sung and Hong Gun-hee, All-Hour's Jadon and Masami, and Hyun Bin are all united. Those who will show more dynamic and powerful rapping than any other stage recently raised expectations through the official account of "Yukon" SNS, saying, "We are practicing hard to go up there."

The dance unit will appear on a 12-member scale. J-deer, Eu Gun, Lee Jung, Jin Beom, Jae Ha, Kim Min-sung, Geum Jun-hyun, Choi Woo-jin, and Yoo Min, Jadon, Minje, and On of All Hours are combined. From Jaeha of Whib, a former figure skater, Kim Min-sung of TIOT, a former K-Tigers, and On of All Hours, all the members with the best performance skills joined forces.

{유}YouCon' is a project that carefully selects rookie groups with excellent global potential and connects music fans with live performances. It is Studio Delta's concert platform established by producer Park Hyun-ho, who has directed music programs at MBC for more than 20 years. Attention is focused on the opportunity to enjoy the future global idol group stage one step ahead.

[Photo provided = Studio Delta]

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