A terrorist man who poured hot coffee into a 9-month-old baby is wanted internationally. [Now News]

2024.09.11 오후 02:03
A 33-year-old man who poured hot coffee into a 9-month-old baby in Australia is now found to be on the run out of Australia.

On the 10th local time, foreign media such as the BBC and CNN reported on the indiscriminate "coffee terror" incident at a park in Brisbane, Australia, on August 27.

At the time, a man approached his family, who was resting in a stroller with a 9-month-old child in the park, suddenly poured hot coffee in a thermos bottle on the baby and ran away. The man is known to have no contact with the baby's family.

The child was rushed to the hospital, but was burned all over his body. "Sixty percent of my body was burned," a hospital official said. "I need to undergo several skin regeneration surgeries over the next few years."

Brisbane police in Australia, who received the case, released CCTV footage installed in the park and wanted the suspect man publicly.

Men usually wore blue checkered shirts and shorts, black hats and glasses.

However, on the sixth day after the incident, the man was found to have left the country via Sydney Airport. The investigation found that the 33-year-old was a foreign national and had been in and out of Australia several times on a work and travel visa since 2019. However, the name of the suspect and the country that ran away were not disclosed on the grounds that it could confuse the investigation.

"We will focus on finding suspects with every resource we can," Australian authorities said.

Digital News Team Reporter Park Sun-young
AI Anchor eY-GO
Caption editing | Choi Ji-hye

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