Kim Jong-un, surrounded by 'armed bodyguards', lost his public sentiment and even feared a rebellion, is 'anxious' [Y Record]

2024.09.26 오후 03:39
■ Proceedings: Anchor Jung Ji-woong
■ Telephone connection: Kim Yeol-soo, head of the Security Strategy Division at the Korea Institute for Military Studies

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information. Please specify [YTN NewsNOW] when quoting.

◇Anchor> Lastly, when Chairman Kim Jong-un guided the fighters' training, the appearance of other bodyguards around him also drew attention. Some analysts say that it proves bad public sentiment because it is fully armed and has a finger on the trigger. What do you think?

◆Kim Yeol-soo> I agree with that. If you look at the photos of Kim Jong-un's military unit in the past, there is a clear difference from the photos that came out this time. In the past, even if I visited the military unit, there were not many bodyguards, so I guarded them a little away, wore guns next to them, and I didn't even have my finger on the trigger. But when I visited the shooting range this time, many bodyguards appeared and their guns were facing the ground. And he was putting in a finger that could pull the trigger immediately. So, of course, Trump's attempted shooting had an impact, and even considering that the military unit was not just a military unit, but a special place called a shooting range, perhaps because Kim Jong-un felt great anxiety about his own safety. In the end, if you say so, there is also an aspect that reflects public sentiment.

◇Anchor> When I looked at the waste production every day like this, I even saw a parody video. I think the inter-Korean relationship will be quite long.

Excerpted from the conversation: Lee Mi-young, editor of the digital news team


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