
We've got 15 military doctors in civilian emergency rooms...Disruption of night/holiday care

2024.09.04 PM 02:59
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As hospitals across the country are struggling to operate emergency rooms, the government has urgently deployed reinforcement personnel, including military doctors.

It may help right away, but there are also criticisms that it is largely insufficient to be a fundamental solution.

I'm connecting you with a reporter. Reporter Yoon Hyunsook!

Please tell me the details.

The government has deployed 15 military doctors to hospitals that have difficulty operating emergency rooms to minimize disruption in medical treatment.

The newly deployed military doctors are 3 Ajou University Hospital, 3 Ewha Mokdong Hospital, 2 Chungbuk National University Hospital, 2 Sejong Chungnam National University Hospital, and 5 Gangwon National University Hospital.

Public health doctors will be assigned to Chungbuk National University Hospital and Chungju Medical Center in preparation for restrictions on the operation of emergency rooms at nearby hospitals.

On the 9th, the government has also decided to add 230 additional military doctors and public information.

However, there are voices in the medical community pointing out that it is only a "temporary prescription" that has been repeated since the work vacuum caused by the collective resignation of the major in February.

The critical medical community believes that it will not be effective because the work that can be entrusted to military doctors and public affairs doctors is limited.

Some point out that the dispatch of military doctors and public information could intensify the military and local medical gaps, but the government explained that it is operating personnel without difficulty.

Although the government has come up with measures to support emergency room personnel, hospitals that have already suspended some operations or are considering suspension continue to emerge.

This is due to the accumulation of fatigue among emergency room medical staff in the aftermath of the work vacuum caused by the major's collective resignation.

Ewha Mokdong Hospital in Seoul has decided to restrict some night emergency medical treatment starting today.

We decided not to accept new emergency patients every Wednesday from 5 p.m. to 8:30 a.m. the next day.

Ajou University Hospital, an emergency medical center in the southwestern part of Gyeonggi Province, decided to accept only ultra-severe patients who need CPR from 7 a.m. every Thursday to 7 a.m. the next day, Friday.

Kangwon National University Hospital and Sejong Chungnam National University Hospital have already shortened emergency rooms at night and on weekends.

There are also growing concerns that emergency rooms could become more difficult to operate during Chuseok, when up to five days of holidays are scheduled.

I'm YTN Yoon Hyunsuk from the social studies department.

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