
Putin bathing in 'deer blood'? Russian Scientists Study Forever [Now News]

2024.09.04 PM 04:25
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Russian scientists have reportedly been instructed to develop a recipe for not getting old.

The British daily The Times reported that Russian health authorities ordered their research institutes to quickly report ways to solve various aging-related symptoms such as cognitive and sensory disorders, cell aging, osteoporosis, and immune decline.

It is said that the order was the brainchild of physicist Mikhail Kovalchuk, who is considered a close aide to President Vladimir Putin.Obsessed with the

'life forever without dying', he is said to have reported to Putin the idea of developing a recipe for eternal life.

Putin will turn 72 next month, and the average life expectancy of Russian men is 67.

Over the past few years, there have been various rumors about Putin's health inside and outside Russia.

There have also been rumors that President Putin has Parkinson's disease or cancer, or that he takes a bath with blood extracted from the rust of Siberian deer to maintain his vitality.

According to the newspaper, many Russian scientists who were instructed to study anti-aging methods reportedly complained that unnecessary instructions were given during the war in Ukraine.

AI Anchor eY-GO
Edit Caption | Lee Mi-young
