
Lee Bokhyun who apologized for "Entertainment"...Emphasis on Self-Regulation in Banks

2024.09.10 PM 03:58
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Lee Bok-hyun, the head of the Financial Supervisory Service, who has been driving banks fiercely over the management of surging household debt, changed his position today and asked banks to do their best to take the initiative and prevent damage to end users.

This seems to be because banks have been tightening their high-intensity loans since this month under pressure from regulators, and pitiful end-users are suffering from not being able to get loans right away.

Reporter Ryu Hwan-hong reports.

Lee Bok-hyun, the head of the Financial Supervisory Service, called for strong loan regulations, saying he strongly felt the need to intervene in the banking sector.

This time, not all banks should apply the same lending regulations in front of 18 local bank presidents.

[Lee Bok-hyun / Director of the Financial Supervisory Service: It is time to take advantage of our experience in handling household loans and adjust our loan portfolio by strengthening screening for high-risk loans such as funds based on expectations of rising housing prices]

The reason for this shift toward self-regulation is that banks' tightening lending regulations are hurting end-users.

As the threshold for mortgage and lease loans and credit loans rises, people who plan to move for reasons such as marriage, work, and children's studies are being driven to the cliff of loans right now.

Lee also apologized for confusing the market with two conflicting signals: tightening and easing lending regulations.

[Lee Bok-hyun / Director of the Financial Supervisory Service: We have not been able to provide a detailed message on the management of the rapidly increasing household loans, especially the public and especially the banks.Now, I will take this opportunity to apologize and apologize again to those who worked directly at the bank's counter for various inconveniences and difficulties.

Prior to the FSS chief-bank presidential meeting, Shinhan Bank announced guidelines to ensure that end-users of loans are made as before.

Banks are expected to come up with additional measures for end-users in the future as they are bound to be sensitive to the FSS chief's remarks.

I'm YTN's Ryu Hwan Hong.

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