
Chuseok overseas trip?... "To Japan with family with vacation" the most.

2024.09.11 PM 02:45
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The proportion of people planning to travel abroad during this year's Chuseok holiday has also increased, showing an increase for four consecutive years.

It turns out that the most people want to take a vacation during the holiday and go on a close trip to Japan with their family.

Reporter Kim Ki-bong reports.

According to a survey of 1,270 adults who have left the country within the last five years by Incheon International Airport Corporation, 11.2 percent of the respondents said they would travel abroad during the Chuseok holiday.

The percentage of overseas travel plans for the Chuseok holiday has increased every year from 1.9% in 2020, when the coronavirus was prevalent, and has grown to double digits this year.

Perhaps because of the five-day holiday, which is a day shorter than last year, many people wanted to make a nine-day holiday by taking two days off.

More than three-quarters of the respondents, 75.4 percent, said they would take a day off, making the percentage of respondents higher than last year.

Japan had the largest number of overseas travel destinations during the holiday season with 31.1%, followed by Vietnam, the United States and Thailand.I preferred short-haul destinations that were less burdensome for

hours, but there were quite a few people visiting the United States.

People to travel with during the holiday season,
Family members and relatives overwhelmingly accounted for
, 20.5% of friends and lovers said they would go alone, 12.6% said they would go alone, and 4% said they would go with co-workers.

Incheon International Airport expects an average of 200,000 people a day to use Incheon International Airport to break the record for the Chuseok holiday this year.

I'm Kim Ki-bong of YTN.

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