
Kim Jong Un mentioned in U.S. presidential debate... Will the second debate be held?

2024.09.11 PM 03:22
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Both Harris and Trump mentioned North Korea and Kim Jong-un in the debate, but the views were the opposite.

As a fierce battle is unfolding throughout the 100-minute debate, attention is also being paid to whether to hold the second debate.

This is Washington correspondent Kwon Jun-ki.

Vice President Harris said dictators like North Korean leader Kim Jong-un like Trump because it's easy to control.

[Camala Harris / U.S. Vice President: It is well known that Trump exchanged love letters with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. (Dictators) are well aware that they can manipulate you with kindness and kindness.]

Trump delivered the Hungarian prime minister's words that North Korea is afraid of him, insisting that if he takes power, the world will be peaceful again.

[Donald Trump / Former U.S. President] Prime Minister Orban said China was afraid of me, North Korea was afraid of me. By the way, look at what's happening to North Korea right now. He said Russia is also afraid of me.]

While Harris has emphasized cooperation with allies such as Ukraine, Trump has brought up the issue of sharing NATO defense costs, citing U.S. interests.

Harris, a former prosecutor, emphasized that Trump is a felon facing a sentence in November, but Trump criticized the weaponization of the judiciary, saying the indictment against him was a witch hunt.

Harris provokes crowd size-obsessed Trump,

[Camala Harris / U.S. Vice President: Trump talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter on the campaign trail and also says that wind power causes cancer. The crowd on the campaign trail can be seen starting to leave early because they are exhausted and bored.

Trump shot himself in the foot with baseless claims.

[Donald Trump / Former U.S. President: In Springfield, they eat dogs. Illegal immigrants come in and eat cats. They just eat their pets.]

Unlike in the last CNN debate, the moderators fact-checked Trump's false claims and corrected the facts.

[David Muir / ABC News Anchor] I checked with Springfield and found that there are no reliable reports of specific claims that pets were harmed or abused.]

Shortly after the debate ended, Harris suggested sticking to the debate once more, and conservative media outlet Fox News immediately announced its intention to host the debate, drawing attention to whether the two sides will continue to hold talks for the second debate.

This is YTN Kwon Jun-ki from Washington.

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