
Park Joo-min said, "Deutch' Lee Jong-ho and Kim Gun-hee's call seems to have been attempted to cover up inside the prosecution."

2024.09.25 PM 04:36
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Park Joo-min said, "Deutch' Lee Jong-ho and Kim Gun-hee's call seems to have been attempted to cover up inside the prosecution."
[News FM Lee Ik-seon Choi Soo-young Issue & People]
□ Broadcast Date: 09/25/2024 (Wednesday)

□ Host: Lee Ik-seon, Choi Soo-young
□ Performers: Kim Young-woo, former member of the People's Power, Park Joo-min, member of the Democratic Party of Korea

* The text below may differ from the actual broadcast content, so please check the broadcast for more accurate information.

- Park Joo-min "Conclusions of the Sub-Injury Committee? The prosecution brought it on itself.Support Special Prosecutor Kim Gun-hee"
-Kim Young-woo"Kim Jong-seok seems to tune to the frequency of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un"

◇ Lee Ik-seon: The Supreme Prosecutors' Office's Investigation and Deliberation Committee recommended yesterday that Choi Jae-young, who handed Kim a Dior bag, be prosecuted for violating the anti-graft law. Unlike the prosecution's investigation team, they saw that the alleged violation of the anti-graft law was related to their duties. I'd like to hear your interpretation on this part.

★ Kim Young-woo: The situation has become strange, too. Last time, the Investigation and Deliberation Committee recommended that Kim Gun-hee be prosecuted almost unanimously as a non-prosecution, and Pastor Choi Jae-young, who gave him a Diorback, recommended prosecution this time. Is it 8 to 7, then the person who received it will not be prosecuted and the person who gave it will be prosecuted. As a result, one investigation review committee acknowledged the job relevance and the cost, and another did not acknowledge it. Members who participated in the investigation review committee are different this time. So if this happens, it will be a little embarrassing for the prosecution as well. Although the recommendations of the Investigation Review Committee are not compulsory, I think it will continue to have political repercussions. This issue and the opposition will use it a lot. The current situation sees Kim as a very weak link and the weak link of the Yoon Suk Yeol regime is Kim, so the opposition party's de facto strategy is to demonize Kim and attack him tremendously, but doesn't this treaty keep working? Kim Gun-hee's frame keeps falling into the swamp. So, the power of state administration is getting weaker and weaker, so the presidential approval rating and the party must get out of this in order for the approval rating to rise, but honestly, there is no way to go now. So in this case, you have to do it in principle. Mrs. Kim Gun-hee's external activities are right to refrain from self-restraint. If the president's approval rating is low and the public's approval rating is low, no matter what, it will not work, but will this go away if only the attitude of breaking through this head-on? So, regardless of whether Kim Gun-hee is legally at fault or not, wouldn't it be better to take care of her when her approval rating is too low? Because if you keep showing up in the media, I don't think that's going to help increase that approval rating.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Since lawmaker Park is a legal professional, all the first lady Kim Gun-hee's deliberation is not prosecuted by consensus. But we decided to indict him 8-7. Of course, there is no coercion, but then what do you think the investigation team will report to General Shim Woo-jung?

☆ Park Ju-min: This is interesting. Pastor Choi Jae-young could not participate in the investigation review committee on Kim Gun-hee.

◈ Choi Soo-young: The lawyer said he couldn't go in.

☆ Park Ju-min: I asked him to participate, but he ruled it out. The investigation was conducted without reflecting your claims at all, and the recommendation for non-prosecution was made. I don't know why the prosecution is doing this. He keeps causing controversy on his own. I'm sure the prosecutor general told me to investigate properly. But the investigation was conducted in such a strange way that it was called the emperor's investigation. Breaking what the president said. That's why there was a division. That's why the president barely said he would do an investigation review committee, but when he ran this investigation review, he ran it so that unfair disputes would flare up again. Then, the conclusion came out differently for the two investigative review committees. Then, whether they would raise the hand of the investigation review committee, which is considered unfair, or still, the person who wanted to say anything raised the hand of the investigation review committee, which was attended and talked about. So, I think the prosecution brought this whole controversy on itself when Representative Kim said earlier that he was making political disputes. Anyway, I investigated properly and investigated properly, and I was innocent. There is no controversy if you do this, but the prosecutor general told me to investigate properly, but I violated that method and reported it later. The investigation review committee is also organized and operated strangely, but if you ask me to raise a question about this, I admit the privilege.

★ Kim Young-woo: I'm not saying not to raise the issue, but what the Democratic Party of Korea is doing in the National Assembly is almost a special prosecutor's proposal. While continuing to supplement and revise the contents of the special prosecutor. So the National Assembly doesn't go back to the National Assembly, and I'm concerned about that. About the excessive independent counsel's proposal.

☆ Park Joo-min: Because the prosecution does this, the special prosecution is rather empowered. If you do something to investigate properly and then dispose of it, it will be difficult to talk about it if it looks fair even if it looks fair, but you keep doing it strangely. He's so self-conscious.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Okay. And another case surrounding Mrs. Kim came out, and it has been reported since yesterday, but one is that former CEO Lee Jong-ho, a key suspect in Deutsche's stock price manipulation, contacted Mrs. Kim 40 times, which is a little different from the prosecution records.

★ Kim Young-woo: Kim Gun-hee didn't do it herself, but there are also things to talk about with other secretaries, so it's hard to know whether it's true or not here, but I'm not sure. I think Mrs. Kim Gun-hee has been talking to so many people on the phone and social media. So, in fact, he said he had never contacted me about the intervention of the nomination and the manipulation of Deutsche's stock price, which are now suspected, but he has contacted me dozens of times. When you were the wife of the prosecutor general of Yoon Suk Yeol, the investigation was underway. That's why it seems to cause a lot of misunderstanding, but what happened in the past can't be helped, but there's no evidence and we can't know for sure, so the investigation has no choice but to proceed properly. Besides that, aside from the legal issues, I've talked about Dior bag acceptance several times last time, but it's not easy without an explanation or apology to the public. It's just not easy to solve. I'm going to keep raising this.

☆ Park Ju-min: It's weird not to talk about it now. For example, talking to Lee Jong-ho on the phone. The past statements were all wrong. The complete opposite came out. What did Lee Jong Ho say? After marriage, President Yoon Suk Yeol and Kim Gun-hee said they had never talked on the phone since they got married, but the opposite came out.
He said he didn't talk on the phone after getting married, but there was a situation where he talked on the phone. Then, what Lee Jong-ho said was that he didn't talk to the person on the phone, but he talked to the employee, but there was an additional report. The prosecution's investigation stated that he had spoken to him. Too many lies continue to be revealed in no time. After that, I summarized what was reported as the time of the call, and after the investigation is in full swing, I talk on the phone in earnest. It's in September and October, so what did you talk about? So, since these circumstances are already fully revealed, we can't try to escape something by lying anymore, but what we keep talking about is that the prosecution was holding this, right? But you did a written investigation once in the past, and you said you would finish it by investigating the emperor once this time. In my opinion, the report was speculated that someone resisted the prosecution's attempt to cover it. Don't you think so?

◈ Choi Soo-young: Do you think so?

☆ Park Ju-min: Then why did this information come out in almost four years? Why would this fact be like that? There seems to have been a trend of trying to sort it out recently, and someone told me that I can't do it like this. How did the media know?

◈ Choi Soo-young: That's how Senator Park deduced.

☆ Park Joo-min: It's a very important fact. So far, it has come out that it is contrary to the explanation of all parties.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Another topic. The transcript of the phone call that the former presidential office's former administrator had with the Seoul Voice reporter was released, causing a stir. It is said that Mrs. Kim intervened in the nomination through a pro-Yoon-gye lawmaker.

★ Kim Young-woo: Looking at that, there is no evidence yet that Mrs. Kim Gun-hee tried to influence the nomination by intervening in the nomination. It was just a third party's statement, such as using Kim Gun-hee, intervening, or trying to intervene. I've heard the transcript several times, but I still don't know if it's true or not, and Lee Joon-seok, the leader of the New Reform Party, said, "I saw Lee Jun-seok last time, and Kim Gun-hee can't help you because she doesn't have strength." I'm not saying that's what it was about. If that's the case, there will be no legal problem, but as I said earlier, it's because it keeps being discussed in relation to such nominations. If there is a possibility of misunderstanding that we feel a lot while playing politics, it is too hard to get out of it or solve it. So, there is a possibility of misunderstanding. It is the most important to remove the shoots in advance, so no matter who contacts you, you don't contact me. So I think it's definitely wrong to have such SNS and phone calls with too many people. Isn't that what the opposition party is using now? So this is a pity.

◈ Choi Soo-young: The phone call between the presidential office administrator and the Seoul Voice reporter was recorded.

★ Kim Young-woo: That's right. But it wasn't Kim Gun-hee who recorded it herself, but Kim Gun-hee did something like this. And they're still denying it. So I'm releasing press releases, but I don't know the truth.

◈ Choi Soo-young: But as a result, Park Chan-dae's floor leader said, "Where is the end of Kim Gun-hee's gate?" I think we're talking about the special prosecutor again. But do you think that the Democratic Party of Korea has nothing to solve this situation in the end?

☆ Park Ju-min: If the prosecution investigates properly or lets the Senior Civil Servant Corruption Investigations Unit investigate properly, there is no need for an independent counsel. But as I said earlier, the prosecution was investigating in such a strange way.

◈ Choi Soo-young: The controversy is self-inflicted? The prosecution?

☆ Park Ju Min: No. . The investigation takes place without following what the president ordered. Have you ever seen anything like that? What kind of organization is the prosecution? So, even in this situation, what should I do if you tell me to trust the prosecution unconditionally? I'm a little frustrated, and I'm sure Rep. Kim has heard a lot about personnel intervention. Actually, last week, I went to an event and ran into the lawmakers of the people and talked a little bit, and asked Han, "Are you not going to the minister?" ’ Then, the lawmaker of the People's Power next to him said, 'Oh, I'm not close to you.' I don't even say it like a joke, but I think that's the atmosphere.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: Let's move on to the next topic. President Yoon directly hit the two national theories claimed by former Chief of Staff Lim Jong-seok at the Cabinet meeting yesterday. It's an anti-constitutional idea, but let me ask you first, Rep. Park Joo-min.

☆ Park Ju-min: First of all, there's probably the ultimate goal of unification, but there's a lot of unreasonable things that arise from doing it right. In fact, many scholars and political circles have recently said that rather than talking about unification right away, let's settle the peace system first and then go to unification.

◈ Choi Soo-young: The Democratic Party has not officially made a position on this.

☆ Park Ju-min: I don't think many people agree on things like this, saying that we need to maintain two countries.

★ Kim Young-woo: This is not something that former head of department Lim Jong-seok can say. It was said that there was talk in the academic world, but not a single person, whether in the academic world or in real politics, asked for unification right away. However, the task of unification, the task of our country, has always been this, but in my view, former Chief of Staff Lim Jong-seok has completely adjusted to the frequency of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. That's what I think. The two national theories that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un talks about. It's not a normal two-state theory. When it comes to a normal country, if it's a normal country between the two Koreas, letter communication, and travel broadcasting should be autonomous, but that's not it. North Korea continues to provoke South Korea and continues to arm itself with nuclear weapons. North Korea's provocations against the South are not some kind of attack between the people, but some kind of attack. I'm building a cause. It's not only about developing nuclear weapons, but former Chief Lim Jong-seok helps with that. Furthermore, it came up with the abolition of the National Security Law. I think the focus is on it. It's like justifying North Korea's provocations while supporting and rationalizing two national theories, and really ultimately helping North Korea make armed provocations against the South. So I think this can't happen, and this isn't about two normal countries. Then, if we close the unification, will peace come? At the same time, he said to abolish the National Security Law. So what former chief Lim Jong-seok is talking about is not just a perception of reality, but a completely upside down perception of reality. Tensions between the two Koreas are increasingly strengthening now, so let's end unification, and this is not going to bring peace. It is a completely anti-unification anti-constitutional idea that reinforces North Korea's logic.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Okay. Let's talk about by-elections. There is glory and wailing in the by-elections in October, and especially, the war of nerves between the Democratic Party of Korea and the Cho Kuk Innovation Party seems to be overheating to the extent that the glory is called the great blood fight. Rep. Shin Kyung-min, who came here yesterday, will be honored by those who take the honor. We're talking about it, but are you sure the Democratic Party can't guarantee a victory?

☆ Park Ju-min: I don't know. We haven't entered the full-fledged election race, so it's hard for us to tell you about the situation. in the glory area,
rather than in the other Gokseong areaI think the Cho Kuk Innovation Party is showing some competitiveness. Looking at the analysis of local media public opinion, I think we need to work harder.

◈ Choi Soo-young: But from a cold point of view, in the last general election, almost 39.6% of the innovation of the country was similar in glory and wailing. What do you think is the reason why glory is particularly difficult?

☆ Park Ju-min: In the past, many independents were elected in Yeonggwang. In the case of the county governor, especially in a way, there may be a difference in degree, but you can think of one of the areas that the Democratic Party of Korea is having a little difficulty in the Honam area as an honor from before.

★ Kim Young-woo: I think there are differences and individual differences. Among the candidates, the turnout was low in Honam during the Democratic National Convention last time, so the Cho Kuk Innovation Party appeared again at a time when it was gradually moving away from the Democratic Party. So in the end, I think it's a hegemonic competition between opposition parties, and in particular, representative Lee Jae-myung and representative Cho Kuk are inevitable. After competing with each other, Kim Min-seok, the supreme council member, Chung Chung-rae, and Jeon Byung-hun, the leader of the new Democratic Party. The verbal battle is going too far right now. It's stagnant water, it's spoiled water, they have names, so this is probably a local election in two years' time and what's going to happen then is now happening first. In the future, some regions, especially the metropolitan area and Honam area, are experiencing election solidarity and nomination solidarity and what will happen then in advance. It's going to be a competition for supremacy. That's what I think.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Let me ask Senator Kim this. Former mayor Ahn Sang-soo, who served as mayor of Ganghwa-gun and Incheon, challenged, and former mayor Ahn Sang-soo was very strong here.

★ Kim Young-woo: Ahn Sang-soo is coming out again?

◈ Didn't you know? So it is pointed out now that if you do something wrong, you can donate it to the other side here.

★ Kim Young-woo: I'm in trouble. Senior lawmaker Ahn Sang-soo has been mayor twice, lawmaker three or four times, and lawmaker with me. He said he will come out again this time, so that would be very difficult. It's an area where the power of the people is still advantageous. Since the votes are divided regionally, the votes are divided, so our party needs to deal with them quickly.

☆ Park Ju-min: I think you're amazing.

★ Kim Young-woo: That's amazing.

☆ Park Ju-min: I think it's a very rare case.

★ Kim Young-woo: He's very active compared to his age.

◇ Profit line: Okay. I think this will be the last question. Yesterday, there was a public debate on the financial investment of the Democratic Party with a large disagreement within the Democratic Party. It was divided into an implementation team and a grace team to discuss the pros and cons, but contrary to the original intention, this seems to have been more noisy. It's because of lawmaker Kim Young-hwan's remarks on investment in the inverse, but he looks very sorry. Representative Park Joo Min?

☆ Park Ju-min: Actually, I was looking a little ahead yesterday, but I couldn't see the back because I had a big event at the Nurses Association. That's exactly why I'm not aware of the situation, but the evaluation of the discussion itself was a bit divided.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Didn't you have a red team discussion? Speaking of Inverse, I think it's a hot topic to say that you can make money by investing in stocks that are going bankrupt like this.

☆ Park Ju-min: I think you were going too far. But unfortunately, various measures to improve the system were mentioned to raise the domestic stock market. Also, for that purpose, the National Pension Service could play various roles under the stewardship code and such guidelines, but actually, that didn't work out well. According to Japan's value-up, the Japanese national pension has been evaluated as having improved systems such as commercial law and played a huge role, but this time, the financial investment tax is being discussed as if everything is just being discussed. Anyway, that's a bit disappointing.

★ Kim Young-woo: It's insincere. The Democratic Party of Korea said last time that this is a role play in this debate, and that's exactly right. This time again, I pretended to do it to expand the outside world, but I got caught.

◇ Lee Ik-seon: That's it for today. Park Joo-min, a member of the Democratic Party of Korea, and Kim Young-woo, a former member of the People's Power, worked hard. Thank you.

◈ Choi Soo-young: Thank you for your words.

☆ Park Ju Min, ★ Kim Young Woo: Thank you.