
Hong Myung-bo's regular bakery / 5060 alert disease controversy / mountain hairtail / empty outing [Anchor Report]

2024.09.26 AM 10:18
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The first keyword is 'Hong Myung-bo's regular bakery'.

Among the pending questions of the National Assembly's Culture, Sports and Tourism Committee, a bakery was mentioned as the location of director Hong Myung-bo's interview.

Only the average bakery is suffering from the disease.

On the 24th, let's look at the questioning site first.

[Lee Ki-heon / Minjoo Party member: Where did you meet? I don't have much time.]

[Lee Im-saeng / General director of the Korea Football Association: At a bakery near my house...Commissioner, can I be honest with you? The bakery was an acquaintance of director Hong Myung-bo, so I was able to open it.]

[Rep. Park Soo-hyun / Minjoo Party of Korea: It's a face-to-face interview, but can I go to a cafe (bakery) in front of my house at almost 11 p.m. and have an interview that seems like such a preferential treatment?]

Since then, some Internet users have left comments on the bakery's website and SNS saying that this is the bakery Hong Myung-bo told them about, and is this the place?

Some even carried out horoscope terror attacks.

When the controversy over the Korea Football Association spread to the bakery, there were many voices criticizing it.

Hong Myung-bo's wind has led to criticism that the owner here is only a self-employed person, saying he hopes there will be no fools who terrorize the bakery.

There was also a comment to be cautious of those who do horoscope terrorism.

The next keyword is '5060 Boundary Disease Controversy'.

Sung Il-jong, chairman of the National Defense Commission, said he is considering a bill to allow healthy people in their 50s and 60s to act as military guards in preparation for a decrease in military service resources such as population cliffs.

This comment has turned into a controversy over re-enrollment.

At the 63rd National Defense Forum held yesterday, Sung Il-jong, chairman of the National Defense Commission, said, "There are no young soldiers. "I'm healthy even if I'm in my 50s and 60s," he said. "I think they can go to the military and stand guard."

He then said, "We can pay people in their 50s and 60s who act as guards equivalent to the salary of soldiers."

Controversy has been raised over this remark about '5060 re-entry'.

Then, Sung Il-jong's office explained that it would be a form of private recruitment rather than re-entry into the military, saying, "Only if there is no health problem among those in their 50s and 60s with military experience and they want to hire them."

Despite this explanation, Internet users have not gone away from criticism that they should send those who have not written first, look down on guard duty, or mistake guards as apartment security guards.

The next keyword is 'San hairtail'.

A mountain hairtail was caught in the deep sea of Australia.

It is a hot topic because its head is shaped like a horse and its body is shaped like a hairtail.

At a glance, it's a huge, two-legged hairtail.

It's enough for two adult men to listen to.

The body is definitely a silver hairtail, and when I look at the head, it looks like a horse.

This is a photo released by an Australian fishing broadcaster, saying that the fishing boat captain caught it with a fishing line.

The fish, orfish, is a rare deep-sea fish species that lives 1,000 meters deep in the sea, and is known to grow up to 11 meters.

It is mainly found in temperate and tropical waters, and is nicknamed the 'end fish' because of the myth that it is a precursor to disasters such as earthquakes.

The last keyword is 'empty going out'.

Why is it empty? Let's watch the video together.

Late at night in July, a man walking through a rainy street.

I'd like to take a night walk, but I'm naked.

I just held an umbrella in my hand and walked down the street with nothing on.

Eventually, he was caught by the police who were dispatched due to a resident's report.

According to the investigation, he did not even take drugs or drink alcohol.

The man, who wandered around naked for unknown reasons, was booked on charges of obscene performance.

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