
Japanese Liberal Democratic Party presidential election D-1...Forward-looking historical awareness is expected.

2024.09.26 AM 10:20
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With the election for the ruling Liberal Democratic Party's president to replace Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida just a day away, the party and party votes, which account for half of the total votes, will end today.

The party, a member of the nation's Liberal Democrats and pro-party groups, will vote today with 1.05 million people, and the entire vote will be counted tomorrow, the day of the election, along with parliamentary votes.

Party members and party members participate in voting through the mail, etc., and it is calculated according to 368 votes, the same as the Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers.

With nine people voting for the election, former Secretary-General Shigeru Ishiba, former Environment Minister Shinjiro Koizumi, and the Takaichi Sanae Economic and Security Minister are solidifying into a three-way structure.

However, there are no candidates with a majority approval rating, so it is certain that the first and second candidates will go to the final round.

However, no matter who is elected, it is difficult to expect a forward-looking perception of the past, such as strengthening defense and visiting Yasukuni, which will have an impact on Korea-Japan relations.

After the election, a new party executive will be formed as early as the 30th, and an election to nominate the 102nd prime minister will be held at an extraordinary session of the National Assembly on the 1st of next month.

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