
Austria's far-right party tops in general election...the first since World War II

2024.09.30 PM 03:00
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It has been officially counted that the far-right Liberal Party won the first party in Austria's general election.

The Liberals won 29.2 percent of the vote, beating the ruling National Party with 26.5 percent of the vote.

It is the first time since World War II that a far-right party has secured a single party in Austria.

The center-left Social Democratic Party came in third with 21%.

However, as other parties do not cooperate with Liberal Party leader Herbert Kickl, it will be difficult for Kickl to be elected prime minister by securing a majority of seats.

As the results of the vote were reported, more than 300 people gathered around the parliament to protest with signs such as Kickl accusing him of being the Nazis.

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