
Minister of Employment Kim Moon-soo said, "Gradually expanding the application of the Labor Standards Act and promoting it as an emphasis project."

2024.09.30 PM 03:06
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Minister of Employment and Labor Kim Moon-soo said that exceptions to the Labor Standards Act for workplaces with fewer than five employees have been made for 35 years, and that he will push for expanding the application of the law as an emphasis project.

At his first policy meeting since taking office, Minister Kim said, "However, since the expansion of the Labor Standards Act requires considerable finance, we proposed a gradual and phased application of the low birth rate, education, and childcare, which are national fiscal priorities.

He also said that the "weekly allowance," which pays more than 15 hours a week if you work more than 15 hours a week, is holding back, and that he intends to hold discussions to improve it through the Economic, Social and Labor Council dialogue window.

In addition, Singapore and Korea, which have been discussed as a comparison target for the recent controversy over the minimum wage for domestic managers in the Philippines, stressed that it is practically difficult to apply wages lower than the minimum wage to foreign domestic managers.

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