
Hezbollah "Ready for ground war..."Continue to fight"

2024.09.30 PM 06:52
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Hezbollah, a pro-Iranian militant in Lebanon, has vowed to continue fighting Israel.

Hezbollah's second-in-command, Naim Qasem, said in his first public address since the death of its supreme leader Nasrallah that they were ready to carry out a long-term war.

He also stressed that Hezbollah fighters are ready to fight to protect Lebanon if Israel launches a ground war.

Qasem said a new chain of command had been created on behalf of the commanders who were killed in recent airstrikes, and that Israel could not influence its military capabilities.

Nasrallah's replacement, who died with him, will be named as soon as possible, and it said four people died with Nasrallah, not more than 20 as Israel claims.

Qasem added that he would win again this time, just as he defeated Israel in the 2006 war.

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