
[Capture news] "The fact that humanity already existed"...I studied the marks on the fossil bones.

2024.09.30 PM 07:33
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Fossils from the University of La Plata Museum, Argentina.Fossils of prehistoric mammals such as

Ancient Armadillo are also visible.

In 2016, an international research team, including the National Center for Scientific Research in France and the National University of La Plata in Argentina, discovered fossils of armadillo, glyptodone from the Ice Age.

The research team investigating fossils unearthed along the river Leconquista in Buenos Aires finds strange marks on the bones.

[Guillermo Yoffre / Paleontologist] I'm not an expert on my country, but I can tell the difference between rodents and carnivores and plants, and these didn't match any of them.]

The 32 scars left on the Glyptodon bones were not caused by attacks from other animals.

The research team concluded that this mark was left by humans using stone tools to dismantle meat at the time.

That humanity already existed in the Americas at that time.

Radiocarbon dating and geological studies of fossilized riverbank sediments show that the period is about 20,000 years ago.

[Dr. Mariano del Papa / La Plata National Anthropology Professor: (Our findings) tell us that humans already existed before glaciers melted, especially in South America.]

Humanity emerged in South America, considered the orthodox of academia, about 16,000 years ago.

Based on the results of this study, the research team plans to further specify the timing of the first human settlement in the Americas.

I'm Kim Jandi from YTN.

video editing|Lim Hyun-chul
subtitle news|This line

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