
Ruling party "three years in prison, common sense"...Opposition "Political prosecutors should scold"

2024.09.30 PM 08:03
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When Lee Jae-myung, the leader of the Democratic Party of Korea, was sentenced to prison by the prosecution in the perjury teacher trial following the Public Official Election Act, the war of nerves between the ruling and opposition parties is escalating.

The ruling party expected a ruling worthy of the sentence, calling it valid and common sense, and the opposition party protested that the judiciary should scold the political prosecution.

Reporter Lee Jun-yeop reports.

The Democratic Party of Korea set the day ahead of the request for Lee Jae-myung's perjury teacher trial, saying the prosecution's claims were devil's editing and evidence manipulation.

The prosecution said, "The prosecution edited the representative Lee's recording, which says not to perjure, as if it were to perjure," and attacked the essence of the case as Lee's stalking.

[Kim Min-seok / Minjoo Party of Korea Supreme Council member: Let's see if we can't eat. If we ask for the maximum sentence this time again, the prosecution and the prosecutor in question will suffer massive damage, so we will only get a conscience, not a sense.]

On the other hand, floor leader Choo Kyung-ho of the People's Power criticized Lee for lying that he was framed to cover up the prosecutor's impersonation and asking for perjury again to cover up the lie.

No matter how often you lie and retaliate, you can't cover up the truth, he said, calling on the judiciary to punish you severely.

[Choo Kyung-ho / People's Power Floor Leader] We must all face the essence of this issue. Representative Lee Jae-myung's alleged violation of the Public Official Election Act and perjury teacher, and its essence is a series of lies and lies.]

When the news of the three-year prison sentence, the highest sentence under the Supreme Court sentencing standards, broke, the Democratic Party strongly protested, saying that it is not an exaggeration to say that the prosecution has lost its reason.

He urged the court to strictly scold the political prosecution for conducting illegal and unfair investigations.

[Park Kyun-taek / Democratic Party of Korea member: I think the old sentence revealed their unknowns about whether they had a terrible hunting instinct and a beast's instinct. It's not a biased investigation, an overinvestigation, but a political hunt..]

The People's Power evaluated that the prosecution's sentence was a very valid and common-sense sentence to break the chain of lies.

It is only a strict judgment of the law that can break the chain of falsehood that has continued, and the court has demanded a wise judgment.

[Kim Min-jeon / Supreme Council member of People's Power: Lying in court is the worst because it can make innocent people guilty or innocent.]

According to the results of the first trial, which is expected to be at the end of the year, it is observed that Lee's political position will be solidified, shaken, or determined.

I'm YTN's Lee Junyeop.

Lee Sang-chang (∀)Edit Video;Lim Jongmun

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